25) impromptu visits

349 44 10

Steven found himself beyond content with this new domestic heaven of his. He couldn't wait to fall asleep and wake up next to Brandon. Having breakfast together was just as nice, even as Steven mostly used those moments to browse through social media and Brandon to read whichever book he could find laying around. 

It had only been a few days, and already their lives had fallen into a delightful routine, their lifestyles fitting together like puzzle pieces. Things would be different once Brandon got back to work by the end of the week, but Steven was positive they would make do with that as well.

"Have you been up for long?" Steven asked, still half-asleep, when he found Brandon from the living room. He was reading some children's book Steven had forgotten he owned, while Fitzgerald purred in his lap. The cat hopped off the couch as soon as Steven sat on it, making it clear who exactly was his favorite human.

"A while." Brandon muttered, hiding his yawn behind his hand. Judging by his ghostly appearance, Steven made an estimation that a while likely meant hours rather than minutes.

He didn't say it out loud though, but turned to look at the book on Brandon's lap instead. "The Little Prince? I made my mom read that to me so often I could probably still quote half of it by memory."

"I have never read it before." Brandon admitted, a bashful smile on his lips. "And it's surprisingly —"

Brandon's words were cut short by the doorbell, and his eyes darted to the door before he turned a panicky gaze at Steven. Steven, who wasn't waiting for any visitors, shrugged and got up, but didn't make his way to the door before giving Brandon's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Oh.. hi." Steven breathed, as he saw who was behind the door, swallowing back what he was about to say: oh fuck. Because 'oh fuck' was the only presumable reaction he could have to his dad and his step mom and his step sister's impromptu visit.

"We thought we should stop by." Nicholas explained, gesturing at Addison, who was holding their daughter, Elodie. "I thought about the beer idea and it was great, just great, but wouldn't it be nicer this way?"

Steven held back his answer, wanting to tell his dad that this was what he had specifically asked not to happen. He had wanted to see his dad alone, just for once so that they could have an actual conversation about things Steven preferred not to say in front of his step mother. But, since they were already there, it wasn't like he could tell his dad it wasn't nicer this way.

"I have a.." Steven began to say instead, then halted as he wasn't sure what to call Brandon. "I'm not alone, my friend Brandon is here."

True enough, Brandon was lurking by the doorway that led to the living room. Though his posture was stiff, he had a complaisant smile on his lips. Hesitantly, he offered his hand to Nicholas, who gave it a firm shake. He introduced himself to Addison and Elodie next, his bravery making Steven bask in pride. If Brandon was anxious or taken aback by the sudden visit, he didn't let it show.

"Do you like strawberry-cream cake?" Addison asked, a white box appearing into her free hand seemingly out of nowhere. Did she have one of those magically enchanted bags? Steven was certain that she had at least some sort of super powers, because no one could have that much energy to bake, clean and fix things otherwise. 

She was tall and had an elegant bob cut in her blond hair. Actually, with her light blue eyes and glossed cupid's bow lips her resemblance with Steven's mom, Emma, was striking. Except, of course, the nearly thirty years age difference. Having such a young step mother never ceased to bemuse Steven, especially as he now had a 3-year-old sister. 

Speaking of that sister, Elodie had gained her freedom and was currently tugging at the hem of Steven's shirt. She lifted her pink dragon plush toy and spoke with her cute, high-pitched voice: "Dad bought this."

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