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Made up episode

The 7 days went by fast, on day 3 we matched as space rangers, and we both wore space helmets, and almost got dress coded at school for it.

On day 4 we dressed up as cowboy and cowgirl, our hats ended up getting stolen during gym class though. I still miss my cowgirl hat..

On the last day of school day 5, we wore matching prom outfits. I wore a purple dress and he wore a purple suit. It was really cute actually, I got a lot of compliments that day, and Rick did a lot of back talking.

Day 6 we wore fan versions of our super suits, Pat told us we shouldn't do that as it might blow our cover, but we just wore dollar store quality super suits, and we didn't wear the masks, so people would know we were just cosplayers. Rick didn't like it, because he kept getting hit on by nerdy girls, but I didn't mind it. I would just zap them away.. in private of course! They never saw me coming.

And lastly, on day 7, I wore his suit and he wore mine. I totally rocked the look, while Rick was able to distract the bad guys pretty easily. They couldn't stop laughing at him wearing a crop top, it made it very easy for us to defeat them. Yolanda even suggested we switch costumes indefinitely, and Rick shot it down very quickly.

There were no updates on finding out who the killer actually was. But now, it was time for bucket list #2.

2. Fake a Proposal at a fancy restaurant, so we can get our meal or dessert for free.

This was Rick's idea, I had no idea why that was on his bucket, but I was down for it. I'm always up for a free meal, and I had to say, the fancy place we had a town over I heard has the best chocolate cake.

We waited till the weekend to go to the fancy dinner. We planned our out scheme all week, we had the perfect story we were going to touch the hearts of everyone in that room.

We sat at lunch with our friends, and we tried to keep it a secret from them, but they knew something was going on.

"Hey, love birds. We're trying to figure out a murder here.. I really hope this relationship doesn't end up like Courtney and Cameron's. Where you take time away from the team. What can be more important then trying to figure out who the killer is.." Yolanda says to us kind of harshly.

"Sorry, we're just discussing our bucket list.." I say to them awkwardly. Rick nods his head approvingly.

"Well, what is it? Since it's more important than saving lives obviously." Yolanda adds and I sigh.

"We're going to a fancy restaurant a town away, Rick's going to propose.." I say realizing how crazy that sounded.

"Ricks going to propose?" Courtney gasps, causing everyone to look at us from her gasp.

A few seconds pass, and everyone goes back to normal.

"I'm not going to judge but isn't the proposal supposed to be I don't know, a secret? And also, aren't you two a little too young to be getting engaged? You've only known eachother for a year and a half tops." Beth adds as she looks at us trying to be logical.

"We're going to pretend to get engaged. So we can get our meal compt, the place is best known for free meals if you get engaged there." Rick says and that causes everyone to look at us even more crazy.

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