Chapter 01: Alone

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Unlit in the heart of the woods, a human boy has been lying in the chilly, unsettling lap of the woods.

His eyes widened as he abruptly sat up, his heart thumping with adrenaline.

He was on the ground in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by deep forests and tall trees. The cold chill of the air made him shiver while he felt its presence on his skin. The howling wind brought along an eerie feeling as he tried to comprehend his current situation.

He had no idea how he got there or what had happened. His mind raced with questions, desperately searching for any memory that could provide answers.

All he knew was that he needed to find a shelter before it was too late.

Except for the faint moonlight that glimmeringly peaked through the long branches of the trees, it was almost utterly dark. In the pitch-blackness, which felt like complete nothingness, one could hardly see anything.

He could hear the sound of rustling leaves and twigs snapping nearby, which only added to his already heightened state of alertness. His mind raced with thoughts of what could be lurking in the darkness, causing his heart to beat faster and faster.

He soon became aware that he was naked. He quickly looked around, trying to find something to cover himself with. But there was nothing in sight, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed. He slowly stood up and started to take in his surroundings.

He knew he needed to stay calm and focused if he was going to make it out of this situation alive. He took a deep breath and began to walk, his eyes straining to see anything in the darkness.

Every step felt like a risk, and he made an effort to carefully step on stones and mud rather than leaves and sticks. Even though he didn't know what lay ahead, he knew how to move forward with caution.

He didn't know the direction, but he kept moving forward, trusting that he would eventually find his way.

Soon, his body began to respond to his senses. A surge of pain rushed through his entire body. He became aware of the wounds he had all over his body.

He must have been attacked by something in the wilderness. He scanned his surroundings as his senses slowly began to return and the pain from his wounds started to get worse.

He was struggling to speak because of the lack of saliva in his mouth. He started to experience hunger for the first time because of his keen senses.

At least he needed to locate a water source. Some water will help him stay focused and keep his mind away from hunger.

He wondered how long he had been walking for. It felt like hours, but he couldn't be sure. As he walked inch by inch, he suddenly saw a silver light shining through the trees. He quickened his walking pace, eager to reach it.

As he got closer, he realised it was a small lake. Like a mirror placed on the ground, it reflected the moon's gentle glow. And the stillness of the water's surface calmed his racing heart.

He carefully scanned the banks for any signs of movement, but there were none. He knew that if he made any noise, it might attract unwanted attention.

He waited for a few moments and slowly walked towards the lake. As soon as he got there, he dipped his hands into the chilly water and eagerly drank. He felt relieved after quenching his thirst.

He waited a few moments for the water to settle and carefully watched the figure in the reflection. He saw a young boy's reflection shining on the still water. Black hair, black eyes there was nothing special about his appearance except his pale skin.

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