Chapter 04: Name

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''Mmm... '' He mumbles, hesitating to answer.

''If you don't want to, I won't force you.'' Bigon assured him with a bit of suspicion.

''It's not that I don't want to, it's just that... I don't know.''

''What do you mean?'' Bigon was surprised by his response.

''I can't remember anything that happened before yesterday. Everything appears blank, like there's a void in my mind." He said it with worry.

''What!'' Bigon exclaimed, shocked by the revelation.

''I have no memories of my past," He confessed with half the truth. His juggled memories made him a liar.

''So, tell me... what do you remember?'' Bigon asked, hoping to uncover something.

''I remember waking up in the forest... naked.''

''Yeah, I can see that,'' Bigon said, trying not to laugh.

''Then... I met that creature while eating some fruit, and that was the end of it. And you know the rest.''

''Quite a ride indeed,'' Bigon replied, shaking his head in disbelief.

''Wait a minute, what fruit did you eat?'' Bigon asked with a mix of curiosity and concern.

''You know, the fruit of that big tree where you found me with that creature...''

"And you're all right?" Bigon inquired, surprised.


''Ah... Ah... Because that fruit makes you hallucinate. Surprisingly, it doesn't affect animals or birds. But it definitely makes humans hallucinate.''


''I don't know much about it, but I heard it can make you see things. Which are deceiving or compelling illusions that aren't actually there.''

''Ohh...'' His interest peaked as he pondered whether what he had seen before waking up was a hallucination or not.

He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than just a simple hallucination.

He now has a vague understanding of two worlds, which exist side by side in his mind. Everything in his mind is fragmented memory.

But he somehow knows everything there is to know. It's just that there is an inability to fully grasp or comprehend it all.

Like how he understands what a horse is and what a pegasus is. But he can't put those together to form a clear image in his mind. It's as if his knowledge surpasses his ability to visualise.

He looked at the duo of father and son with a mixture of doubt and confusion. He couldn't help but wonder whether they were real or not.

His curious eyes caught the eyes of Bigon, the father. Bigon replayed while grinning.

''No, we are not hallucinations. We are real!''

''My father is a hunter, and we collect herbs while in the forest. So we know a little bit of medicine to help with your injuries." The son explained their side, hoping to gain his trust.

''So, what should we call you? Let me think of something. Pega or Gasus, which one is better?

Or should we call you Pegasus?" Bigon asked, proud of his naming sense and eager to find a suitable name for their new friend.

''Why... I... don't...'' He was taken aback by the bizarre naming scenario that was happening.

''You don't have to worry; I will choose it for you,'' Bigon assured him with a confident smile.

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