Chapter 06: The group of eight

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Eight figures were walking through the narrow corridor. They wore dark, long, hooded dresses that covered their faces.

They all walked with a dignified attitude, their heads held high. Their shoulders brushed each other as the corridor became narrower and their pace quickened.

They all pushed each other as they made their way through the tight space, their determination evident in their actions. The sound of their footsteps echoed off the walls, creating an eerie atmosphere.

Amidst their determined stride, one hooded figure stumbled, inadvertently dropping an object that clattered to the cold floor. Suddenly, their footsteps stopped, and an uneasy silence filled the air, turning their attention to the person who dropped the item.

''Six dropped that.''

''Six dropped that.''

''Six dropped that.''

''Six dropped that.''

''Six dropped that.''

''Six dropped that.''

''Six dropped that.''

They all muttered the same thing. But the disgust in their voice was evident.

Despite their shared purpose, a tangible underlying disapproval threaded through their united demeanour.

The one who dropped the object struggled to find it in the darkness.
''What is Six doing?''

''What is Six doing?''

''What is Six doing?''

''What is Six doing?''

''What is Six doing?''

''What is Six doing?''

''What is Six doing?''

They all asked simultaneously.

"My apologies," the one who had caused the accident murmured, his voice tinged with both embarrassment and remorse.

''Six said sorry.''

''Six said sorry.''

''Six said sorry.''

''Six said sorry.''

''Six said sorry.''

''Six said sorry.''

''Six said sorry.'' The room fell silent as everyone processed his apology.

The tension in the room began to dissipate as the person's apology sank in. People exchanged glances, their expressions softening with understanding.


''Six found it.''

''Six found it.''

''Six found it.''

''Six found it.''

''Six found it.''

''Six found it.''

''Six found it.'' They all nodded in agreement.

''Yes, Six found it.'' The individual who had unintentionally dropped the object nodded in concurrence.

''Is it broken?''

''Is it broken?''

''Is it broken?''

''Is it broken?''

''Is it broken?''

''Is it broken?''

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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