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When I woke up I put on a blue dress with daisy's on it

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When I woke up I put on a blue dress with daisy's on it. It's only because I have a day off and I was so excited. I look over and see that everyone else was awake. I step out of my room and see Abby and Greta having a dual in the hallway. I felt anger bubbling up inside of me. "I hope you two know that your going to get in trouble with Elrond if you continue doing this" I say bossily "ohhhh Elrond scary" they taunt me. Just as I was about to say another remark Fallon comes walking around the corner with the dwarfs. Might I add that Abby and Greta are still fighting.

"Fallon they won't stop and there going to break something" I whine to Fallon who rolls her eyes and says "Don't you have somewhere to be" she says and I look to the sisters "yeah go write a letter to your perfect father" they say In Unison. Fallon walks up to me and whispers in my ear Lyon had that coming" she says and we turn to the dwarfs.

"Are you guys gonna be staying here for any longer?" Fallon asked Thorin looks at her. And than BAM! I see it they would look sooooooooooooooooo good together.

But I get knocked out of my trance and here them talking "actually we were planning to leave today but the elves guarding the front gate... that's a problem" he says I look at Fallon with a smirk and we look at Abby and Greta who nod. "We could distract the guards for you" Greta suggested. "Yeah the one with the blonde hair has a HUGE crush on ma and then other one is in love with Fallon so we could easily make them do what we-" I rambled on "what we want ABBY GRETA STOP LAUGHING or maybe we could ask the out STOP LAUGHING and you could sneak out FALLON GET BACK HERE" I shout when Fallon, Abby and Greta took of running and laughing. "You know we could just distract them" Fallon says "and that's what we're about to do so get your stuff ready" Greta calls back to us.

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