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I know that the dwarfs sing songs about mountains and everything like, 'far over the Misty Mountains cold' and stuff like that but now I would be singing 'far over the Misty mountains wow I'm cold'

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I know that the dwarfs sing songs about mountains and everything like, 'far over the Misty Mountains cold' and stuff like that but now I would be singing 'far over the Misty mountains wow I'm cold'. Maybe we should have thought to pack warmer clothing. It is the rain was pouring down all over my face and my hair was sticking to my face and it was getting annoying.

Greta was beside Fili and me and on my other side was Kili. Keira was by Ori and Boufr. Fallon was at the front with Thorin and Dwalin. The Ledge that we were standing on was really slippery and I kept on slipping but then again so was everyone else. "Thorin we cannot stay here!" Dwalin shouted to Thorn. "We're almost there." He shouted back.

Just then a huge shadow figure appeared. And, I mean HUGE. It looked like a human just a million times bigger and it was made out of stone. I have herd about stones/thunder giants before but I had never seen them. A lot of Folk thought that they were just a myth. "Bless my beard the legends are true giants,stone giants!" Boufr exclaimed.

Then like one had just appeared, a second stone giant appeared. "The legends are true!" Boufr exclaimed not worried at all what could happen with two stone giants. They started fighting just to prove my point. "We must find shelter!" Thorin yelled. "In the mountains!" Balin exclaimed.

You know what that also had its difficulties, because then we realized that we were on another stone giant. A part of the company on one knee another part on the other. This was not going to end well at all. "Greta!" I shout trying to find my sister only to relive that she was on the other leg, well at least she was with fili.

That didn't help because I panicked. I couldn't imagine a life without my sister, she was everything to me, she meant the world to me. Just then someone grabbed my hand because if they didn't I would have been over the edge of the ledge of the giant. I wip my head around to see kilis worried eyes. He pulls me close so that ,hopefully, we wouldn't fall off the edge.

Speaking of edges the edge of our giants leg was getting closer and closer to the edge of the mountain. When I realized that I clung onto kili for dear life and I realized that we were about to die. "Abby!" I herd Fallon yell along with Greta. Until I realized it. Without time to explain to everyone my plan, I yelled, "JUMP!" I jumped so kili had to follow and everyone else did to and we were still alive and in one piece.

Us that we're on that piece of the giant layer in the hard, cold, wet ground as we herd the others come over to us thinking that we were dead. We heard there cry's of pain and sorrow, still thinking that we were dead. I couldn't move because Kili was on top of me. When he relized that he quickly got of only for me to slip and end up on top of him.

I decided that it was no use and make a small joke to lighten the mood.

"Look at that I've fallen for you." I say and he lets out a chuckle and so do I. Soon after I see the faces of my family. We get up slowly this time and I embrace Greta and soon after that Fallon. While the other members of the company are embracing each other I notice something. We're was bilbo? Fallon notices it to and yelled "we're Bilbo?" That made everyone stop and look around in confusion. "He's over here" Dwalin yelled and we all saw the poor hobbit dangling over the edge. Dwalin launched himself over trying to help Bilbo. But Bilbo was to far down.

This is when Fallon courage, bravery, and fearlessness comes in handy. She effortlessly hopped down the edge grabbed Bilbo with one hand and started making her was back up but slipped in the process. Thanks to Thorin and Dwalin for being right there and the boys quickly grabbed her and pulled her up the ledge. Once she was up she looked a little shaken but ok. Probably the fact that Thorin's arm was around her.

"I thought we lost our hobbit." Dwalin stated. "He's been lost ever since he left his home. He never should have come with us." Thorin stated and walked away from the conversation and Fallon. I kneel down to Bilbo and say.

"Don't listen to him ok, your doing great." I say and flash him a quick smile and he looks up at me and I see a small smile.

we all follow Thorin into the mountain pass and we found a small cave to sleep into. "Check the back caves in the mountains are seldom unoccupied." He said and with that we all searched the cave and found nothing. "Alright let's get a fire going." Gloin said eagerly obviously cold form the long journey. "No, no fires in this place, get some sleep we start at fist light." Thorin said some groans ecoed around teh cave but teh dwarfs did as they were told.

Balin approached Thorin "we were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us, that was the plan." He said to Thorin. "Plans changed." Was all the dwarfs prince said. "Boufr take first watch." He said and Boufr reluctantly got up to watch.

I slept by my sister on my left and on her left was Fallon, Thorin, Fili, Keira, and Ori. Kili decided to sleep by me and I wasn't complaining. "How are you?" He asked me softly with his eyes closed. "Cold, but ok." I say with a small chuckle. I look at his face and see him smile. He was very handsome, I know not a lot of dwarf woman thought so, he haven't a beard, but a stubble witch, in my opinion made him look even more handsome. His hair was chocolate brown and shoulder length, his hair reminded me of a fire just brown, it looked soft and was wavey and calm. His eyes were what could just put somebody onto a trance. They matched his hair chocolate brown, but they had a glint in them, an adventurous glint, a glint that I saw in my own eyes.

I reached my hand up and stroked his hair and his body went from tense to soft. So I kept doing it. I was right about his hairs being soft, I didn't want to stop touching it. It felt like a dogs hair, in a good way. "Goodnight Kili." I say very soft. "Goodnight Abby." He said back just as soft.

Little did we know that the company watched us with smiles on there faces.

was I falling for this dwarf?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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