\\ Chapter 1 //

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Marjorines pov!

"Oh gee! I'm going to be late!" I whisper to myself, while putting on a green strap dress. I run to the bathroom brushing my hair and messing with it until it looks... cute? After deciding if I should put it up or leave it down, (I left it down) I put on my shoes and run to Bebe's house.

*KNOCK* looking at the time I was five minutes late. "Oh gosh.. I'm a real bad friend huh?" I whisper to myself. Then, I look up to see Bebe smirking at me. "Hey Marj! Come in!!" Bebe said, pulling my hand inside. "Listen.. sorry I was late!" I feel my eyes tearing up. "No problem! Quickly, me and the others are playing truth or dare." Bebe giggled. "Oh, alright!" I replied back, quickly changing my emotions.

*head's upstairs* "Hey girls!" I shout. "Hiiiii! Wendy says, "Hey." Red says, "HEY MARJ!" Nicole says, and "Hey Marjorine! We're playing truth or dare, wanna join~" Heidi says. "Of course!" I walk over to a empty spot and sit crisscrossed. Suddenly, Heidi shouts out, "OKAY! Wendy, truth or dare?" "Hmm, truth!" Wendy says confidently. "Is it true, you still have feeling for Stan..?" Heidi giggles. "Screw you! Of course not?" Wendy said, trying to convince herself more then the others. "HAHA! YOU STILL DO!" Red blurts out. *few more rounds pass*.. "Okay, let's see! Hmm... Marj, truth or dare?" Nicole shouts. "Oh shucks... Dare!" 'Oh gosh.. maybe I should've chosen truth!' I tell myself. "Okay, tell us your crush, then go to they're house and kiss them on the cheek!" Nicole chuckles. "Oooohhhh~" the other girls say. "Okay... but don't make fun!" "We won't Marj, right girls?" Bebe says, then everyone except Red replies with "Right." Red just says "Depends." "Okay, I like... Kenny!" I say. "HAHA KENNY?" Red says. "Oooooh~" Nicole, Wendy, and Heidi say. "I mean, why him? Might as well get someone who can get you stuff, like Clyde. I get new shoes every two weeks!" Bebe snickers. "Bebe, your just using him.." Wendy sighs. "WAIT!" Red screams, "MARJ NEEDS TO GIVE KENNY A KISS NOW! HAHAHAHA!!" "Oh.. right." I say, "Well, see you girls in a little...!" As i walk out all I could hear is "Kenny and Marjorine sitting in a tree~"

As I walk outside I forget my jacket, and rush over to Kenny's house. Was I really doing this? What if he hates me forever! What if he bully's me? What if he- I get cutoff by the sight of Kenny's "house. I go up to the door and knock. *KNOCK*

Kenny's pov!

"Fuck." I groan to the noise of knocking. I put in a shirt and head to the door, with my sister, Karen behind me. "Who is it?" Karen asks. "I don't know." I simply reply. As I open the door I see Marjorine. Standing there, pretty, cute, amazing, smart, and so many other things. "Hey, Marj. Need something?" I ask her.

Marjorines pov!

"Hey, Marj. Need something?" Kenny asks me. Oh, how handsome he is, his blonde hair, his body type, his perso-... "Marj?" He asks. "Oh my! Sorry Kenny." I put my hands over my mouth, while I giggle. "It's fine, anyways, what's up?" He replies. "Kenny.. please excuse what I'm going to do." I stare in his eyes, and kind off have to go on my tippy toes, I grab his cheeks and kiss him, on the cheek. He just stares at me, in shocI suppose. Then I see he's turning a little red, and smiling at me. "Anywaysthankssomuchbutihavetogonow!" I say, Turing to run away, but then he grabs my arm. "Marj, you should wear a jacket," he chuckled "Wait here." And, I do what he says, I wait. He comes back with his famous, orange parka. "Aw shucks Kenny! You don't have too!"I say blushing. "You can return it tomorrow." Then he quickly shuts the door. I always dreamed of wearing this! I put it on, it being much bigger on me, but still comfy. As I arrive to Bebes house, I get a text. I stop and get my phone out.

Kenny🧡: Hope you liked it princess.
Marjorine💛: I did, thanks a lot Kenny.
Kenny🧡: Anytime princess.
Marjorine💛: <3

I put my phone away, walking into the house, heading straight to Bebe's room. "SHES BACK GUYSSSSS~" Heidi says. "OMG SHES WEARING HIS JACKET! SO CUTEEEE! EEEEEK!!" Bebe jumps up and down and takes a photo, uploading it on Coomstagtam. "Bebe! Now everyone is going to assume things." Wendy says. "Too late~ Already got 126 likes!" "BEBE!"

Next day cause am lazy, considering it 4am lolz

Kenny's pov!

When i woke up for school, I had HUNDREDS of notifications from Coonstagram, so.. might aswell check them. When i opened the app, i immediately saw a picture of Marjorine wearing my parka, she looked super hot. I opened the comment section and saw stuff like "AWWW<3" or stuff like "How much y'all wanna bet they fucked!!" "Yeah.. I wish." I mumbled to myself. After leaving my house, I went to the bus stop, surrounded by people asking if me if we did 'it.' After boarding the bus, I saw Marjorine wearing a skirt, that matched with MY parka! I sat down next to her and asked "What's up cutie? I see you like it." She giggles, putting her hands over her mouth. "I do, it's really comfortable! I see why you wear this everyday now. Im doing great, thank you for asking. You?" "I wouldn't wear it for nothin'. Im doing awesome when I'm with you, cutie."  I wink at her playfully. "Oh, is that so? Well... same thing!" Marj replies back to me. "Great." I say as I put my hand over her, on the seat, and closes my eyes for the rest of the ride to school. Marjorine quickly lays her head on my shoulder, crossing her arms while closing her eyes. It was so calm, until I heard a camera go *SNAP* to our direction.

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