\\ Chapter 5!//

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I get a little confused, it's Kenny though, so I trust him. He drags me along crowd of the filled up house to the backyard.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, confused.

"You see that?" He points to a ping pong table with red cups on each side.

"Yeah. what about it?" I ask, still confused.

"We're going to play 'Beer Pong'."

"What's th-." I get cutoff

"HELL NO KENNY! SHES NOT PLAYING THAT CRAP!" Wendy says walking over to us.

"Aw, come on! Let her have fun!" Kenny says whining.

"NO! HELL, NO! SHES NOT GOING TO GO TO HER PARENTS, DRUNK!" Wendy says still shouting.

"Uhm, excuse me.. what's Beer pong?" I ask

"A game you shouldn't play!" Wendy says, treating me like her own kid.

"Come on Wendy! I'm not 5! Just tell me." I plead

"It's a game where you try to put a ball in a cup full of beer. If you successfully make it in, the person on the other team has to drink." Kenny says. (I think😥)

"Sounds like fu-." I get cutoff by Wendy, again.


"Please, just one round?" I beg

"No!" Wendy yells

"Pleaseee!" Me and Kenny say at the same time.

"Nooo...!" Wendy shouts again

"PLEASEEEEE!!!" Me and Kenny say again.

"OKAY, OKAY! FINE!" Wendy shouts.

I gave Wendy a hug and waited about 3 minutes for people to join the game. On one team it was me, Kenny, Wendy, and Clyde. The other team had Bebe, Craig, Tolkien, and Heidi.

"Okay! Are you guys ready?" Clyde said.

"Hell yeah!" Tolkien and Craig said at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah. Hurry up so we can finish this already." Of course, Wendy said.

"Aww, cmon Wendy! Don't be bossy!" Clyde said starting to whine.

"Clyde! Don't whine!" Bebe said while rolling her eyes.

Clyde nodded and said, "THE GAME STARTED OR... SOMETHING!" Not really knowing what to say, I just clapped. Heidi grabbed a ball and threw it, and it landed right in a cup. "OH! DRINK UP!" Heidi screamed. Clyde looked at Heidi and mumbled something.

After he drank he started to cry, "BEBE HELP MEEE, ITS SPICYYYYYYY!"

"OH, CLYDE! I KEEP TELLING YOU NOT TO DRINK IF ITS SPICY." Bebe said air quoting the last word.

I couldn't help but laugh, which made some others laugh aswell. "It's your first drink stupid. How is the drink even spicy!?" Craig said.

"HEEEEY, THATS NOT NICE!" Clyde said while pouting.

"Whatever stupid." Craig said.

"Don't talk to him like that!" Tolkien said.

"Yeah! Don't talk to him like that!" Bebe said.

"Oh.. YEAH! DONT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Clyde said, basically screaming.

Time skip cause I don't wanna do this💪🏽

After a few drinks, I started to feel lightheaded. Wendy noticed, grabbed my hand and said, "Me and Marjorine are going inside." Everyone just said "okay" or "bye," but Kenny asked me if I was okay. I replied to him with a quiet "yeah." And with that, Wendy leaded me inside, and kept walking around until she saw a empty couch. She sat me down on the couch, "I'm going to get some water. STAY here."

Wendy pov!😜😜

"I'm going to get some water. STAY here." I said while sitting her down on the couch. I went to the kitchen, which isn't far from the living room. I grabbed a cup, washed it quickly, and put water in it. This all took me about four minutes. As I headed back to where Marjorine was, I stopped, seeing Nicole crying and Bebe talking to her. Marjorine can wait. I thought to myself. I went over to Nicole and said, "What happened?! Who's ass do I need to kick!?" Nicole looked up and had a little giggle, but never said anything. "Bebe, what happened?" I asked. She just mouthed 'I'll tell you later.' I nodded and began walking again to Marjorine. "Sorry if I was too long!" I said. I looked on the couch and saw she was gone. "MARJORINE!" I screamed. A few people looked at me and continued what they were doing. "MARJORINE ARE YOU SERIOUS!" I screamed again trying to find her. I looked outside. 'Kenny's gone' I thought to myself. Even though I didn't want to think about, I went to check the bathroom.


"Kenny! What if she finds us!" I said, a little frightened. Kenny puts his finger on my lips, telling me to be quiet. I blush as he takes his finger off my lips. He took me to a closet, not to do anything weird, I hope. We stop moving when we heard a "MARJORINE! YOU DID WHAT I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO! KENNY!! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TRY ANYTHING, YOUR A DEAD MAN!" I couldn't help but laugh. "What are we here for?" Again, he doesn't answer and takes out his phone. When he puts his phone down, I feel my phone vibrate. I take out my phone and see a text from Kenny.

Kenny🧡: Just to hang out. STOP TALKING, SHES GOING TO FIND US!
Marjorine💛: Ohhh ok! I do feel kinda bad for Wendy though! She told me to say there, and I didn't!
Kenny🧡: It's okay. She'll understand. ;D
Marjorine💛:I guess! :D

While texting Kenny, I got a text from.. WENDY!


I immediately turned off my phone and moved closer to Kenny. I get close enough to his ear and whisper, "She said I'm in so much trouble! What do I do!?" He writes down on his phone, 'Do you want to leave?' I have no idea. I wanna stay with Kenny, but I don't want Wendy super mad at me! I shake my head, indicating 'No.' He deleted what he wrote and typed, 'oh okay!' I look at him, he looks back up at me. We make eye contact, and he.. smiles! He looks so cute when he smiles. He smiles at everything, so it's easy to see him smile. It's just, this smile, seems different to me. Im probably overthinking it though! We lean in closer and closer until, the door flew open, revealing a very, VERY, angry Wendy.

Confession // Kenjorine // South ParkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora