\\ Chapter 10 //

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A/N — sorry I haven't been uploading lately !😢

Marjorine's pov!

"Kenny, where are we going?" I asked, cause seriously, WHERE ARE WE GOING!? "Just wait a minute." What if he takes me somewhere and kills me!? What if he takes me in the middle of nowhere and abandons me, which causes me to die?! WHY AM I THINKING LIKE TWEEK NOW?! "I DONT WANNA THINK LIKE TWEEK!!!" I scream. Kenny quickly looks at me.

"Marjorine, what is going on?!"

"Oh- nothing." Damn, what is going on with me.

"Are you okay?"

"YEAH! I was just paranoid for no reason. I'm fine."

"Oh okay, good good." He continues leading me somewhere, until we reach Tolkien's front yard.

"What are we doing here?"

"Marjorine, no offense to Tolkien, but I hate this party. I'm just bored, and I wanna leave. So, wanna come with?"

"Wait, hold on. You brought me here so I can leave with you?"


"Okay! That's fine with me! I don't really have that much fun at party's anyways."

"Ah, ok. For real though. Let's get out of here."
"Alright! Where are we going this time?"

"My house."


Kenny led us out of Tolkien's house and started walking to his. It was pretty far, in the bottom part of town. It was a 25-30 minute walk, and to be honest, I enjoyed it. Yeah, sure. We only talked, but it was nice and calm. No Wendy no offense, no Cartman, and no drama. On the way to Kenny's house, it got pretty chilly. Good thing I brought a sweater, so it wasn't that cold. Kenny offered me his parka, but I declined. Imagine how cold he gets! When the wind was blowing in our faces, I couldn't help but look at Kenny. I loved his hair, no matter how greasy and unclean it was? Okay, I do need to help him was his hair every once in a while. Well, not help him. I need to give him some shampoo and water. Actually, in general he needs to take a shower. I also loves his blue eyes. Looking into his eyes made me feel, safe. Also his lips, I love his lips. I love how red and plump they are.

After what I'd seemed like hours, we reached Kenny's house. All the lights were off except one. He grab a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. When he opened the door, he signaled for me to come inside first. I see a little girl, Kenny's younger sister, Karen sitting on their couch. She turned 14 awhile ago. She has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. She has her hair in pigtails, with maroon colored bows or she leaves her hair down. Shes watching their old black and white colored tv. I know Karen because we met a couple of times. Walking inside Kenny's house reminded me of a super hero game Stan's group, Craigs group, me, and some new kid we used to play. Now that I think about it, I wonder what did happen to that new kid. We couldn't tell if the new kid was a boy or a girl. They didn't tell us though because, they couldn't talk for some reason. Nevermind that though!

"Oh, hey Kenny. Hey Marjorine! What are you doing here? Not to sound rude though!" Karen said.

"Kenny invited me!" I said.

"Ohhhh, I see." Karen said with a little smirk on her face.

Kenny just sighed and went to his room. Which I gladly followed him. We went I to a hallway, which I believe had 3 rooms? Two to the left and one to the right. On the left was his parents bedroom and Karen's bedroom. On the right was Kenny's bedroom. Kenny opened the door, let me go in first, went in, and closed his door. We both sat on his mattress, which was... comfy? Not judging though! He had a poster of a girl in a bikini. Which was fine! I didn't care! Not like I should. Plus, it's just a poster.


I just wanted to make a new chap rq😢🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽


Some things i said was in tfbw so sorry if I'm wrong😥

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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