\\ Chapter 4! //

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I start to head to Bebe's house, walking from mine to her house is about 8-10 minutes. As I make it to her house, I see Stan's group, and I fell my face get hot as I see Kenny. Cartman sees me and says, "Aww, look Kenny! It's your girlfriend! Wait a minute.. is she your girlfriend or another girl you slept with?" "SHUT UP ASSHOLE!" Kyle yells at Cartman, before Kenny could say anything. With Kyle saying that, it leaves them to argue. I want no park in this argument, so I went inside Bebe's house.


"Oh, hello!" Clyde says.

"Hello, nice to meet you!" I say, of course I've seen him with Bebe here and there, but I never interacted with him.

I see Wendy looking down, "Hey, Bebe, Imma go talk to Wendy for a second. Bye!"

"OH! ALRIGHT, SEE YA MAR-MAR!" Bebe says, yelling.

I cringe at the nickname, it's not that I don't like it, it's just something I prefer her to say in private. I go to Wendy, and realize she's crying.

"Wendy, what's wrong?"

"I-it's, just.. I-I haven't gotten the chance to talk to Stan ever since we argued ab-about him just doing thumbs up emoji's! And he's here, he'll ruin m-my time!" Wendy says, panting, trying to breathe after her crying.

"How will he ruin your time?" I ask

"He'll talk to me about our argument! And that's NOT what I need right now!" Wendy says, Turing a little mad.

"Oh.. I don't know any advice to give, except.. Maybe, just talk to him and work it out right now!" I say

"U-ugh! I assume your right. It's just g-going to be hard." Wendy says

I smile at her and wish her the best, then I walk around trying to see who else is here. I see Jimmy and Timmy in the kitchen, talking about god know what, I see Bebe talking to Nicole and Red, I see Craig, Tweek, Tolkien, and Clyde playing a four player game, I have no idea what game though. I see Wendy walking over to Stan, and Cartman and Kyle talking.. normally!? Kenny's gone. Where is he? I feel a tap on my shoulder and quickly turn around.

"Oh, hey Kenny!" God, Kenny makes me feel.. what's the phrase? Oh, Head over heels. Yeah. Head over heels.

"Hey, sorry about earlier. That was totally rude."  Kenny says a little serious.

"Oh, no! It's fine. I didn't pay much attention anyways." I say, I did feel a little hurt though. Kenny slept with other girls? I thought those were all jokes.

"Are you sure? I can beat him up if you want." Kenny's chuckles.

"Oh, no! Don't do that." I giggle.

He nods and grabs my hand, I get a little confused.. but, it's Kenny, so I trust him.

Confession // Kenjorine // South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now