\\ Chapter 2 // !!

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Kenny's pov!

*SNAP* I heard a camera go off in our direction, I turn my head to find out it was Cartman. "What do you want, Cartman?" I spit out. "Oh wow, turns out you are dating that freak!" Cartman laughs at me. Him knowing me, he quickly got off the bus when it came to a stop at the school. I turned my head to wake up Marjorine. God... she looks so... beautiful. I lightly tapped her shoulder to wake her up. When she wakes up, she goes red. Like, REALLY red. "Oh gosh! I'm so embarrassed! I'm so sorry Kenny it won't happen again!!" She says, making it obvious she's flustered. I replied to her with, "It's okay princess, I enjoyed it." Of course, adding a teasing wink at the end. I get up from the seat and hold out my hand, waiting for hers. When she puts her hand in mine, we walk out the bus, followed by other students.

When we walk out of the bus holding hands, she spots Wendy and Bebe, and lets go of my hand. "See ya Kenny!" As soon as I was about to walk away, she kisses me on the cheek, quickly though. Then she runs away to her friends.

Marjorine's pov!

I give Kenny a quick peck on the cheek, after realizing what I did, I turn to Wendy and Bebe and run off to them. Seeing Bebe's facial expression, I can tell she saw me and Kenny. "MARJORINE!" Bebe screams in my face, causing me to jump. "Turn it down, Bebe." Wendy says annoyed. "Sorry but... YOU AND KENNY MCCORMICK!?!? Are you guys a thing oooor..?" I giggle at Bebe, "No, don't be silly!" "Ugh why can't you guys date already???" Nicole says, coming into our conversation. "Agreed. And also, hey Nicole." Wendy says, then I say, "Heyyy!" then Bebe says "Hey Nicole! How you and Tolkien doing~?" "Oh, we have our ups and downs. He wants to join Basketball, which I was fine with before I found out that means we can't hang out anymore! I know it's pretty selfish, but I do wanna hang out with my boyfriend.." "Its simple, just go to his practice, or games. Then you guys can hangout after, dummy." Red said, walking into our little circle. "Oh my gosh. Red, thank you so much! See you girls, I need to find Tolkien!" Nicole screamed, running off to find Tolkien. "Bye!" We all shout.

After a few minutes, there was a *RINNNG* me and the girls groan, knowing it's a reminder that school is starting, me and Bebe have the same class, while the other girl are separated. "I hate science." I say to Bebe. "But you don't hate Kenny McCormick~" Bebe said teasing me. I chuckle at Bebe as we walk in the classroom. Bebe sits next to me and starts talking about fashion, shoes, and boys, mostly how annoying Clyde gets. "Bebe, stop being so mean... Clyde loves ya, you know." "I know, it's just.. when he cry's, UGHH. It gets sooo annoying. I hate to admit to anyone, but I love him for that. How nice he is to me, he treats me like a queen!" " Your so weird, Bebe." I laugh at her. When Bebe starts to continue blabbering about stuff, I look around the classroom. My eyes stopping when I see Kenny. I love him so much. I get shy and I'm really nice, which is why he probably thinks I'm just being kind to him! Maybe he doesn't know I like him. I wish he could take a hint. I continue staring at him, then he turns his head and makes contact with me. I blush and quickly turn my head to look forward. Bebe turns her head at me and asks, "oh my god! Marj, are you okay?" "Y-yeah! Of course." I smile at Bebe. "I think it has something to do with a special someone~" she teases me and waves at Kenny. I turn to look at Kenny, and he waves back to Bebe, smiling. His smile is amazing, it's wonderful, it's beautiful. I turn back to Bebe, she mouths words to him, I can't understand what she's saying though. I look back at Kenny and see him mouthing back to her. Unlike Bebe, I understand what he's saying. I read, "What time." 'What does he mean, what time? Hopefully she doesn't say anything embarrassing about me!!' I think to myself. After awhile, class ends

Kenny's pov!

I see Bebe waving at me, so I wave back smiling. She quickly mouths something to me, she says "Party at my house." I'm always down for parties, so I mouth back to her, "What time." She smirks and mouths, "6:45pm." After she says that, the teacher says, "Class dismissed. Kenny, Bebe, and Marjorine, stay." In sync, we all look at each other. Once everyone leaves, he simply says "Detention. Don't think I don't see your little conversations." We all leave the classroom together, me and Bebe laughing, meanwhile Marjorine tears up. Me and Bebe look at her and Bebe says, "OMG! Marj are you okay?" After Bebe says that she starts crying. I rub her back in circles, and Bebe says, "It's okay Marj! I'll see you later!" As Bebe leaves to her next class, Wendy arrived, having the next class with us. "Kenny! What did you do to her!?" Wendy yells at me accusingly. I put my hands up, "Whoa! I didn't do anything. Us and Bebe got detention, and she started crying." Wendy hugs Marjorine and tells her it's okay. Then she looks at me and says, "I swear Kenny, if you did something I'll kill you!" When she says that, we arrive at our next class. It was a three person desk, Marjorine sat in the middle of me and Wendy. Marjorine finally speaks up and says to Wendy, "He didn't do anything, Wendy." "See, I didn't do anything!" "I swear to god Kenny, touch her and you'll be sorry. I'm not messing around." Wendy growled. (She's not a furry..)
"Yeah, whatever." I roll my eyes and Wendy and look back at Marjorine, "Marj, what's wrong?" She looks at me and says, "oh gee.. I didn't mean to cry, I'm so embarrassed! I was just worried, This is my first time getting detention! My parents would be so mad!" "It's okay Marj! I'll be there If you want! Also so your not alone with this perv." Wendy shoots me a glare. "No, it's okay, Wendy! Bebe also got detention.." "Seriously! She's never responsible.."

Time skip to lunch because, 🫶🏼— Marjorine's pov!

It was finally lunchtime, and I met up with Wendy and Bebe to go to the table us and the other girls sit at. After siting at the table, it was a few minutes before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see it was Kenny. "Hey Marj, I was wondering if you want to sit with me? Also with Stan, Kyle, Tweek, Craig, Jimmy, and others. Cartman left school early." "Oh, of course!" "WAIT! hold it Kenny! I'm coming too, I wanna sit with my boyfriend." Bebe says following me and Kenny. I smile at Kenny and Bebe, following Kenny to where him and his friends sit. When we get there, of course Bebe sits with Clyde. I sit in between Kenny and Tweek. "Hi Tweek!"  Me and Tweek were best friends, and still are. "O-oh! H-hey M!" Craig turns his head to look at me and smiles. I smile back. After greeting everyone else, they start talking about relationships. "Oh yeah! Me and Bebe are the best couple, no doubt!" Clyde yells to everyone. "Whatever." Craig says annoyed, and gives Tweek a kiss on the forehead. "Your just jealous Tweek doesn't give you free shoes!" Bebe says laughing. "OH GOD! I-IM SUPPOSED TO GIVE C-CRAIG FREE S-SHOES!?" Tweek starts screaming. As Craig and Bebe are going at it, I give Tweek a hug, "No, you don't give Craig free shoes silly! Bebe just said that to freak you out. Its ok!" TWEEK smiles at me and thanks me. After a few minutes, everything goes back to 'normal.' Kenny wraps his arm around me and starts talking with Jimmy. He's warm, cozy. I turn into butter in his warmth, he could do this forever, and I'll never say or do something to make him stop. I put my head on his shoulder.

Kenny's pov!

Being a little bored, I wrap my arm around Marjorine and start talking to Jimmy. After a few seconds, she puts her head on my shoulder. I felt her warmth and looked at her, eyes closed, slowly breathing. She looked beautiful, and she always will. Nothing bad could possibly happen to make her look different in my eyes. I exam her clothes, she's wearing a orange shirt that matches my parka, and wearing a black turtleneck, with a hello kitty necklace and ring. I look further down and look and her black knee-high socks with some black Mary Janes. I don't know what's with her that makes me safe, comfortable. I look back up and see Jimmy smirking at me. "Stop thinking about banging Marjorine, l-like come on!" "Really Jimmy? I wasn't even thinking about that." "Y-yeah right.. Y-you l-liar. Ri-right Tim-Tim?" "TIMMY!" "See! E-even Tim-Tim knows y-your l-lying." "Whatever Jimmy." I see Bebe staring at Marjorine, then she says, "Marj, you alright? You seem tired." Everyone looks at Marjorine, who quickly moves her head straight and replies with, "I'm alright! No need to worry." "Marjorine, the nurse will let you take a nap if your tired." Tolkien says. "G-guys, I'm okay! Thanks for the concern though." After she says that everyone continues to what they were doing before. For some reason, I don't believe her, but I don't ask her. I don't want to pressure her thinking she has to say. "Marj, let's go for the bathroom!" Bebe says. "Oh, alright," Marjorine replies. She gets up and leaves with Bebe.

Marjorine's pov!

I left with Bebe to the bathroom. Shortly after we arrived she looks at me with a serious face, "Marj, what's bothering you? Is it detention?" "No, no. It's just, when Kenny wrapped his arm around me, it felt.. magical. I felt like butter, or maybe jello in his arm. I felt like I couldn't control myself." "Wow. You are CRUSHING on him!" Bebe giggles. "Stop, Bebe!" I say giggling with her. Then, she stops, "okay but, you sure nothings bothering you? Or, someone?" She asks like a concerned mother. "I'm sure Bebe, if something, or someone was bothering me, believe me, I'd tell you!" "You better Marj!" We both have a giggle fit. Thankfully, for some weird reason, Mondays are half days, so when the bell rings, we head to detention. As we walk over to the classroom we're going to have detention at, we hear someone say "HOLD THE FUCK UP!!" We turn around to see it was Kenny. He catches up to us and starts panting. After a few seconds he regains his breath and we continue walking to detention. I play with my hair nervously because all my life, I've NEVER been to detention. I was really nervous. So nervous I cried in-front of Kenny! I was so embarrassed. As we made it to the classroom, the science teacher who gave us detention came in-front of all 3 of us and held out a basket. Being a little confused I looked at Kenny and Bebe. They put their phones on the basket, so I followed their lead. The teacher started talking, "Alright, detention for an hour and a half. I expected this from Bebe and Kenny, but not from you, Marjorine." "I'm sorry sir! It won't happen again." I look down, ashamed from my behavior, as he left the classroom.

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