Emily(sick and hides it))

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The girl's name was Emily and she was just 16 years old. Emily had been feeling sick for weeks, but she was too afraid to tell anyone. She didn't want to worry her parents or her friends, so she tried her best to hide it. But today was different. Today, Emily woke up feeling dizzy and nauseous, and she knew she couldn't make it to school alone.

Emily's friend, Sarah, had come over to walk with her to school. But as they were walking, Emily started to feel even worse. She felt like she could barely stand up straight, and her vision was blurry. She tried to hide it from Sarah, but she couldn't keep it up for long.

Sarah noticed that Emily was swaying, and she knew something was wrong. Sarah tried to help Emily walk, but Emily was embarrassed and pushed her away. Sarah knew something was wrong, but she didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Emily fell to the ground again, this time in the middle of the street. A car was coming, and Sarah acted quickly, pulling Emily away from the car and shaking her awake. Emily was barely conscious and couldn't even stand up.

With Sarah's help, Emily made it to the school nurse's office. The nurse immediately called 911, and Emily was rushed to the hospital. But Emily was stubborn, even in her weakened state. She kept trying to get up and walk away, despite the fact that she was in critical condition.

The doctors worked quickly to stabilize Emily, but it was touch and go for a while. Emily kept passing out, and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. Finally, they figured out that Emily had a rare blood disorder that was causing her symptoms.

Days passed, and Emily slowly began to recover. She woke up in the hospital, confused and disoriented. She tried to get up and walk, but her body was too weak, and she fell to the ground again, hitting her head.

After a long recovery, Emily was finally able to go home. She learned a valuable lesson about asking for help when she needed it. She knew that her health was more important than her pride. Emily was grateful to have such a caring friend in Sarah, and they remained close throughout high school and beyond.

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