Katia(Alergic Reaction)

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3rd Person POV

Katia woke up excited for the day's events. That night she and a few friends were going to a concert and getting dinner before. It was her favorite singer, (insert a singer of your choice). She's been looking forward to this concert all year. Her best friend, Libby, and her older sister, Jackie, were going together. Jackie was driving so she got to pick the restaurant, also the other girls were very indecisive.

Katia sat down next to Libby, and Jackie sat across from them. They were at Jackie's favorite Chinese place. They had to be careful though, Katia had a severe allergy to peanuts. If she came in contact with them or ate them it would result in anaphylactic shock. Normally the signs to a little while to show up but when they did, they were severely dangerous.

The waiter took their orders, noting the allergy. "Are you excited for the concert?" Jackie asked as we waited for our food. "Yes!" Katie exclaimed, she couldn't wait for the concert.

Their food arrived and was quickly eaten. Katia and her friends drove to the concert and got in as fast as they could. They were somehow ale to get floor seats and went down there after showing their tickets. Suddenly Katia's throat began to feel scratchy. 

The singer came onto the stage and everyone screamed. Katia tried her best to be exciter, ignoring the pain, assuming it was just a cold. 

Soon the effects came in full swing, her breathing picked up and she became nauseous. Katia looked around in a confused, panicked state. Jackie grabbed Katia's hand and felt her rapid pulse. Panic set in as she observed Katia's swollen lips and the beginnings of hives on her face.

"Libby, we need to get Katia out of here! She's having an allergic reaction," Jackie exclaimed urgently, trying to make herself heard over the growing buzz of the excited crowd. "Find help!" Jackie instructed trying to stay calm in front of her sister. 

Jackie assessed Katia's condition and soon realized she didn't have the EpiPen she normally carried with her. Katia's breathing quickened as she slowly lost the ability to breathe. Katia's eyes threatened to close, she was feeling so tired. "Kat, please try to stay awake," Jackie begged. People nearby helped support Jackie as Katia fell backwards and onto the floor.

Libby pushed her way out of the crowd on the floor searching for help. The singer saw a panicked Libby "Wait, stop the song. You in the audience, are you okay?" Libby looked up confused. "Yes you!" The singer said nicely. "My friend is having an allergic reaction!'' Libby called as loud as she could. The words were quickly spread through the stadium. 

Hushed whispers spread as people passed along the message to the singer. "Oh dear, can we get someone to help her please?" The singer instructed pointing. Libby led security and medical staff to where Katia was. Now that Katia was almost unconscious the situation became urgent. The medics called an ambulance and administrated an epinephrine shot into Katia's thigh. 

Once the medicine began to take affect, Katia's breathing slowed and her lips became less swollen. When the ambulance arrived they took Katia into their care, Jackie and Libby riding in the back. Jackie held the girls hand the entire time, ensuring that even in an unconscious state, she felt safe.

When they arrived at the hospital Katia received immediate care, she regained consciousness after a few hours. When her health got better Katia and her friends were able to refund their tickets, along with everyone else, and see the concert. 

Katia made sure to check her food for peanuts regularly in order to prevent this again. As for Jackie and Libby, they both carried an EpiPen with them everywhere and had spares in the car, replacing them every time one would expire.

Katia learned that her safety is the main priority over anything else. The incident served as a reminder to everyone about the potential dangers of severe allergies and the need for prompt and effective intervention. The rescheduled concert, later held with heightened security measures, became a rallying point for awareness about allergies and the importance of concert venues being equipped to handle medical emergencies.

(A/N) Hey everyone! It's been a while, I think next chapter I'm going to another concert one except something happens to the singer. Any band requests from people? Enjoy! Have a great day!


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