Chapter One

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The last year and a half had gone by well for me and Hélène. We had jointly hosted the G8 Summit, which Acadia had joined after Russia had been removed and after my rousing speech in front of the American Congress. Those in attendance, especially the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, praised me and Hélène as having young minds with fresh ideas. That we were both trying to make the world a better place, together.


It was late one evening when a knock came at my study door. I was surprised to find it was Étienne as he still lived with Élise in the flat in Grand-Pré.

Eyes widening in surprise; I asked him— "Étienne? What brings you here this time of night? It is nearly time for sleep."

My brother took a seat in front of my desk, unbuttoned his suit jacket as he did, and crossed his legs. "I came to talk to you about something. Though, I was surprised when the maid told me you were in here. I did not think you would be so much like Papa, working till this late of an hour. Do you not have a wife waiting for you to spend time with?"

"Yes, I do." I looked sheepish. "I really should not have been working late, but there is always so much to do that I find I barely have enough time in a single day to get it all done."

"Ah, I see. The stress of being Queen. I do not envy you, Dear Sister. I am glad the referendum came out the way it did. I would not want to be in your position, I was not bred for it."

"No, you were not. And I do not envy any my position." I narrowed my eyes at Étienne. "Now, what was your reason for visiting so late? I doubt it was to mention that you are happy you are not the King of Acadia."

He chuckled. "No, it was not." Étienne leaned forward, conspiratorially. "I wanted to ask you for your permission for something."

I leaned closer to him. "For what?"

He cleared his throat. "As head of the family, I must request your blessing to ask Élise to marry me."

At first, I was stunned. Those were the last words I had expected to hear. Then again, I did not know what I had expected to hear. "You want my permission?"

Étienne nodded. "Yes. You are the head of the family, after all."

"But you do not need my permission, it is Élise you must ask. She would not care if I gave you my blessing for you to ask her. Remember, she is a very modern Lady."

He chuckled. "That is true." Étienne smiled as he thought of the woman he loved. "I suppose I did not need to ask you, but I am glad I did." He stood to leave.

"Wait!" I followed my little brother to the door. "While you did not need to ask me for permission, you should know that I do hope she says yes, and that I am happy for you both. Élise is already a sister to me, but making it official would not hurt." I pulled him in for a tight hug and he reciprocated.

When we pulled apart, Étienne kissed my cheek. "Thank you, Sister." He bowed, which Étienne rarely did when we were alone, (I never made any of my family, including Élise, follow protocol when we were alone), and left my study.

I sighed, a little sadly, and looked around the room that once belonged to my father. I wrapped my arms around myself and called out— "I wish you were here, Papa."

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