Chapter Five

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That night, after we had been dressed down by the maids and all our fine jewels had been taken back to the vault, Helene and I cuddled in bed as we tried to sleep. She decided then to bring up an important topic.

"Marie, we have been married now for almost two years and we have yet to discuss children." Helene sat up and looked at me, saddened. "Do you not wish to have children with me?"

"No! That is not it at all!" I said as I pulled her back into my arms. "If I am being honest, I simply have not thought about the subject or had the time to bring it up." I pulled away enough to look her deep in her eyes. "I want, more than anything in this world, than to have children with you. I love you more than anyone and I cannot imagine having children with anyone else."

Helene smiled happily. "So then, can we see a doctor? Is it time we try?"

I nodded. "We can; it is time. However, I do believe I will have to be the biological mother, because of the whole issue of succession."

"I am alright with that, but—" She paused, blushing. "Would I be able to carry the baby? I really want to. I want to be able to carry our child inside me."

I did not really have to think it over. It was a perfect solution. Not only would I be able to stay working and not have to take time off until after the birth, but it would make Helene happier than I had ever seen her. "I would love nothing more, but I will need to consult with the Prime Minister on that. They may need me to be inseminated so they can confirm that it is in fact my egg that the child is born from. If that is not the case, then I would love it if you carried our child."

Helene squealed out of pure delight. "Oh Marie, I cannot wait to have a child of our own. To hold them in my arms and count their fingers and toes. To see a babe with your dark eyes."

"I wish the child could be half each of us. Or at the very least, be part you. I would love a little girl that looked exactly like you."

"If only. Perhaps one day science will advance enough to allow two women to create a child without the need for a man."

"Perhaps. Until then, we will have to find a donor."

Helene nodded. "We will. But there is no need to worry, I am sure we can find one who will not wish to be a part of the child's life."

I pulled her down into the bed and back into my arms. "We have to. It is the only way Parliament would allow us to do this."

"Ugh. I wish Parliament did not control so much of our lives."

I soothed her. "Shh. It is alright, Mon Amour. They may control a large part of our lives, but at the end of the day, we have each other, and that is what matters."

"It truly is." Helene kissed me softly before laying her head on my shoulder and drifting off to sleep.

Marie II of Acadia: Story TwoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora