Chapter Ten

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Over the next six months, Elise, Helene, and I tried many times to get through to Etienne. Helene, my Maman, and I would try to convince him rationally that he only needed to marry if he wished to, and Elise tried to get him to see her, but he refused to, every time. Finally, I was tired of his behaviour and was ready to take things into my own hands.


I had asked to see Etienne one afternoon in late fall. As always, when a Monarch requests your presence one cannot say no. And so my brother arrived promptly, only to find I was not alone in my study. Elise stood next to my desk.

"I am not doing this." Etienne said before turning and attempting to leave. However, I had already instructed my guards to block the door. He had no means of escape.

I got up from my desk and walked towards Etienne. "Unfortunately, Brother, you are in this room until I decide to let you out. Now, speak with Elise."

Etienne gritted his teeth. "I cannot believe you would use your power this way. Against your own brother!"

"I am tired of your childish behaviour, so I am doing something about it."

"Childish? Childish—?"

"Enough!" Elise yelled before walking towards us. I went to sit back at my desk and continued my work, but I kept listening to their conversation. As Elise got close to Etienne, she tried to reach out for his hand. "Why will you not speak with me?"

"What is the point of speaking to you? You do not wish to marry me, that means our relationship is done. There is no reason to drag things on as it were not."

"It does not mean our relationship is done!" Elise cried. "All I meant was that I do not see the point of having an official document stating we are a couple when we already feel that way in our hearts. I do not want my relationship dictated by any government, even if that government is headed by Marie." Elise looked over her shoulder. "No offense."

"None taken." I told her.

Elise turned back to Etienne and tried to take his hand again. This time he allowed it. "However, that does not mean that I do not love you nor that I do not want to be with you for eternity."

He nodded. "I understand, but I must marry."

"Oh, stuff it." I told him from my desk chair. "I am Queen and I make the rules. I say that you two can remain living as a common-law couple for as long as you wish. If anyone has any issue with it, they may take it up with me."

"But she will not be the Archduchesse."

I sighed. "Unfortunately, that I cannot make happen."

Elise waved away my concerns. "I do not need some stuffy title. All I need is Etienne." She dropped her gaze. "But what of Mademoiselle DuPont?"

Etienne winced. "To be honest, at first, I questioned my feelings for you. But soon after I met her, I realized that I could never love any but you. After that, I only persued her because I felt the need for a wife. There are no feelings between us."

"And do you finally believe the truth?" I asked my little brother.

"About her family? Yes, I looked into her as well, after your told me. It was all true, but that did not change my mind. I believed I needed a wife and she was looking for a wealthy husband. It seemed we were compatible."

"So, you put me through all of that—"

"Marie." Elise cut me off. "Is now really the time?"

"Oh, of course not. Go on, have your moment. I will just..." I walked towards the door to let myself out, but out of the corner of my eye, I caught Elise and Etienne's first kiss in almost a year.

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