Chapter Seven

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Christmas and New Years had gone by before Helene and I had been able to get an appointment with an obstetrician approved by Parliament. One afternoon, we sat in the office of Dr. Takara Hashimoto when the doctor came in.

She bowed to us both. "Good afternoon, Your Majesties. It's an honour to meet you both."

"Thank you for agreeing to take us on as patients, Doctor." I told her. "I know your assistant said you were not looking to take on any more patients at the moment."

The doctor sat down on her stool across from me and Helene. "I wasn't, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to help the Queens of Acadia have a child." She opened our file on the computer before turning to us. "Now, there are a few options on how we can do this, but first I want to hear what you had planned and we will see how much of that is possible."

"Very well." Helene sat up straighter. "First of all, the baby must be born of Marie's egg. They must be genetically linked to the Montcalm family in order to inherit the throne of Acadia, so we have agreed to that."

"Alright." Dr. Hashimoto made some notes on her computer. "And will you be carrying the baby, Madame?"

"No." I answered. "Helene wants to carry the child. She would be a surrogate essentially."

The doctor nodded along. "Alright. That can work well. And have you picked a sperm donor yet?"

Helene sighed. "Not yet."

"There are some issues with that that we need to work out, but we have decided to look amongst the nobility." I explained. "How long until we have to have the sample?"

Dr. Hashimoto did some math in her head. "I would say that it will take three weeks to a month to prepare your body for the extraction of the eggs, then we would need to fertilize them within three days or the eggs will die unless frozen. And using eggs that were frozen don't seem to implant as easily. So, I'd need the sample by then."

"Very well, we will have it in three weeks' time."

"Perfect. Well, we can start today. Your Majesty, Queen Marie, we will start you on some hormone shots meant to help stimulate ovulation. While for Her Majesty The Queen Consort, we'll give you some hormones to help prepare your womb, but you won't start those until one week before implantation. Keep in mind, this process may take a few tries. I can't guarantee you'll get pregnant on the first implantation."

Helene steeled herself. "I understand."

I rubbed my wife's shoulder as I turned to the doctor. "Is there anything else?"

"Let me just write up the prescription for the hormone shots and you're free to go. Make an appointment again in three weeks for the extraction of the egg." Dr. Hashimoto typed a little on her computer before printing something off, signing it, and passing it to me. "There you are. I'll see you both in three weeks."

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