Chapter Three

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After the conversation Helene and I had had with Elise about her not wanting to marry in her life, I had begun to think about how unfair it was that she and Gabrielle, and other Royal and Noble daughters, had to either be bestowed a title by a Monarch or be given a title through marriage to a man. It was true that had I not been the next Queen of Acadia, Helene's own title would have remained as Lady. Even still, as a Queen she must add Consort to it.

This led me to the decision to bring forth a bill that would change the Royal and Noble inheritance title laws, which would allow a daughter to receive the title upon the death of her father. It would not yet be like the Crown, where the eldest child would receive it regardless of gender, but the daughters would still be heirs.

A few days after Elise's departure, I sat with Deschamps in my office as we drafter our form of the Bill that we would present to the Prime Minister in a few weeks' time. It would be a long, gruelling process but one that I was bound and determined to complete. While it wouldn't change things for either Elise, as she had an older sister and an older brother, nor Gabrielle, as my father's title had gone to me, it could change the life of someone in my country or for my future descendants and that was important enough for me.


I was working in my study late one afternoon when Deschamps came running in out of breath. "Your...Majesty..."

"What is it, Deschamps? What has happened?"

He took a few more breaths until he could breathe normal again, and then answered. "I just heard from the switchboard. Mademoiselle Elise is on line one for you!"

"Leave me." I ordered. Deschamps closed the door behind himself as I picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Mademoiselle Elise Renaud on line one for you, Your Majesty. Shall I put her through?" The operator asked.

"Yes, yes, please do."

There was some static before I heard Elise. "Marie? Marie, are you there?"

"Yes, Elise! I am here. I can hear you. Where are you calling from?" I asked, perhaps a tad loud.

"You must swear to me that it will not get back to Etienne. He would come looking for me if he knew."

"I know he would. I promise, as your friend, that I will not reveal your location to my brother."

I heard Elise wince, and I knew it was because she didn't like the idea of coming between me and Etienne, but I assured her it was fine. "I'm at my uncle's Château in the Swiss Alps. Do you remember where we all came for March Break when we were fifteen?"

"Oh, yes. I remember. Lovely little Château." I paused. "Are you enjoying it there?"

"It is alright." There was silence for a moment. I almost spoke again, but then Elise asked— "How is he, Marie? Honestly."

I sighed. "To be honest, I have not seen him much these last two weeks. He...he blames me for your departure, and so, he does not speak to me much. He has not even attended a family dinner since—"

We were both silent for a moment. Then, Elise spoke. "I see."

"Um, Elise, how long do you plan to stay in Switzerland?"

"I...uh...I do not really know, honestly. According to the laws here, I can stay as long as I have money to support myself so..."

I frowned, though she could not see it. "So..."

"Yes..." Elise sighed. "This is ridiculous, Marie. We have been best friends since childhood. I should be able to talk to you about this. I just...I cannot talk about something when I do not understand it myself yet."

"I understand, Elise. Honestly, I do." I smiled. "When I first realized I was a Lesbian, I wanted nothing more than to talk to you and Helene about it. To try and figure it out, and get things that were stuck in my head out of it, but I was not able to. And you will not be able to until you are ready. And when you are ready, Helene and I will be here, waiting for you."

I could hear Elise sniffle on the other end of the phone. "Thank you, Marie, I really needed to hear that."

"Take all the time you need, but keep in contact. We worry about you all alone out there, especially right now."

"I will try. Though, honestly, it is a lot harder to convince people to let me talk to you now that you are the Queen of Acadia. I had to convince four switchboard operators I was who I said I was just to get them to tell Deschamps it was me."

I laughed, heartily. "Well, I will tell them to look out for foreign calls, but I will not say from what country."

"Good." Elise went silent again as I heard another sniffle. "You have to get back to work, do you not?"

I sighed again, sadly. "Unfortunately, I do. But I wish I could speak to you all day."

"Perhaps you could have them transfer me to Helene?"

"I am sorry, but I cannot. She is out at one of her charities all day. She will not be back until supper. But now that we know where you are, we can contact you too!" I said excitedly.

"Yes, yes, you can!" Elise seemed to perk up. "Alright then, have her call me tomorrow. Though with the time difference and all, I will not be able to talk to you much since you will be working."

"That is too bad, but it is enough to know you are alright." I paused. "Remember, Elise, we love you, and whether you marry Etienne or not, you are still my family. Do you understand?"

I could hear a smile on Elise's face as she answered. "Yes, I understand. Thanks, Marie."

"Any time. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hung up the phone, and pulled another sheet of paper out of the dark blue box on my desk as I sighed again and went back to work.

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