Chapter Eleven

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One evening after supper, I had gone back to my study to work when a knock came at the door.

"Come in!" I called out. I was surprised to find it was Gabrielle. "Ah, Little Sister. Come in. What has you coming to see me in here?"

Gabrielle crossed the room to the lounge area and sat on the couch as she answered me. "I wanted to ask you about that new law that is all over the news."

"Which one?" I asked as I made my way over to sit next to her.

"It is something about titles?"

"Ah, yes, the Bill I brought forth." I paused as I thought about how to explain it. "Well, you know how in Acadia the Crown passes to the eldest child of the Monarch regardless of gender?"

Gabrielle nodded. "Uh-huh."

"It is not like that here with Noble titles. As in most European countries, the Noble titles pass to the eldest living male heir. If it is not the son of the last Duc or Marquis or such, then it goes to their brother, or their nephew, or their male cousin. Do you understand?"


"Alright, well, see with the new law change, the women would no longer be excluded. With Elise for example, if her brother and sister were to pass before her father, and then her father were to pass, she would inherit his title. Or say, a Duc had only had one child, a daughter, when he passed away, the title would automatically be passed onto her instead of going to her uncle, or cousin, or such."

"I understand now. But Marie, why did you do it? Why were you the one to bring the Bill forward?"

"That is an easy question to answer." I told my sister. "I simply wanted you, Elise, and all other Noble and Royal Ladies to be able to hold a title given to you not by a Monarch or by marriage to a man. I wanted you all to have a chance to inherit something that you should have had the right to inherit in the first place. I wanted to give you something of your own." I looked to my little sister. "Would you want that?"

"Hmm." Gabrielle thought it over a moment. "I do not know yet. I would have to give it some more thought. But to be honest, if the title was Papa's, then I would not mind it, but I do not want to be given one simply because I am a girl. I would like to be given one because I put the work in as my duty as a Princess."

I smiled at my sister. She had grown up so much in the last few years. After all, she was sixteen now. Some days I could hardly believe I had been Queen for five years already, but seeing how much she had grown reminded me every time. "I understand, and I will keep that in mind if there ever comes a day where I plan to bestow a title upon you."

"Thank you, Marie. You helped me understand a great deal." Gabrielle hugged me, then headed for the door. She turned back to wave. "Good night."

"Good night, Little Sister."


A few days later, I again stood in the House of Lords with Helene by my side and my family, including Elise who was now an official member of the Acadian Royal Family as Etienne's partner, sat in the observation seating area as I signed my new Bill into Law. The House and Parliament had been so in favour of the Bill that it had passed through its readings quickly.

With a flourish I signed the document and stated— "And with my signature, a new era has come to Acadia for our Noble families."

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