Not On Plan.

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Kendo walks out of her dorm and says hello to everyone, she doesn't see Midoriya and pretends to care asking where he is, but no one knows. She leaves the dorms and pretends to look for him, after a little bit, she leaves campus, and heads into the slums of the city. Old, burned-down buildings, crooks, criminals, con men, all of them here in this area of the city. She makes her way to an abandoned warehouse, and she sees Tomura.

Kendo: "Tomura."

Tomura: "Kendo. How are you? It's been a little bit since I saw you."

Kendo: "Where's my cash?"

Tomura: "We'll get there, we just need to-"

She stretches her hands and grabs him.

Kendo: "Where is my cash?"

Tomura: "I don't have it, not yet."

She slams him into the floor.

Kendo: "Why not?! We had a deal!"

Tomura: "Master hasn't given me it yet! Go ask him, not me!"

Kendo: "Where is he?!"

"Right here, Itzuka."

She lets go of Tomura and turns around. She sees a man wearing a large mask covering his entire head. He's wearing a black suit and white gloves. It's All For One.

Kendo: "Where is my money?"

AFO: "You'll get it in due time, we just need to talk."

Kendo: "No! We had a deal!"

AFO: "I know, we are simply going to talk about your contract."

Kendo: "No, I said that from last year to now that this was my last job, you said you were okay with that."

AFO: "I know, I know, but you know how people are, we change our minds whenever something comes up, and something has come up."

Kendo: "I don't care what it is. Just give me my-"

AFO: "Because my nemesis is dead, and so is his wife, there is only one more threat to take care of. Izuku Scamander. From what happened at the USJ, I can see that he is much stronger than I previously thought."

Kendo: "No! You leave him out of this!"

AFO: "And your reaction brings up another issue. You've grown attached to him. Not good, not good at all."

Kendo: "I'll do one more thing for you, along its the last thing, and if you leave him out of this!"

AFO: "You have my word. I will not lay a finger on him."

Kendo: "Thank you...what do you need me to do?"

AFO: "The Sports Festival is going to happen in a few weeks and I need you to see what kind of security and protocols they'll have there."

Kendo: "What do you plan on doing?"

AFO: "I plan on sending Tomura and a Nomu there to send a simple message about who runs this city. The Nomu will take care of the heros but if it triggers an alarm, they'll be swarmed by heros."

Kendo: "Okay, sounds simple enough."

AFO: "You also need to make sure Izuku isn't there, he's willing to get into a fight, and if he was able to take down All Might with ease, then he will definitely take down the Nomu and Tomura."

Kendo: "How?"

AFO: "That's up to you, make up an excuse, beg, push him into bed, doesn't matter. As long as he isn't there and doesn't know what's going on."

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