9 - Truth or Truth

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Dante laid in the hospital sulking in pain

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Dante laid in the hospital sulking in pain. But also thankful to be alive.

"Hey, it's okay."

Dante looked up to see Selah holding his hand. She flashed a smile and he returned it.

"I was so worried about you."

He shrugged her off. "Don't," he said gruffly. "Just... Don't." He then cleared his throat. "I don't want you feeling sorry for me."

Selah withdrew her hand. "Okay."

Dante closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to clear his head. Selah sat down on the bed and placed her hand on his back in an effort to console his broken spirit.

After a few minutes, Dante spoke. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Selah hesitated, but then nodded.

"I was so scared," she began. "Everything happened so fast, I couldn't even process things right away. I thought you were dead."
Dante squeezed her hand. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Before you go feeling sorry for me I have something to tell you."

Selah adjusted her self in the bed to face Dante. "It can wait, I wanna be here for you. I don't want any bad news ruining that."

"It can't wait Selah, you deserve to know."

Selah felt uneasy, whatever Dante had to tell her was making her feel clouded with suspicion and looming sadness. Finally, she spoke up. "What is it?"

Dante sat up in the hospital bed as much as he could despite the pain he felt in his chest. He then began to tell Selah everything about him and Giselle's affair and how they had a baby on the way. He also told her why he came running back, which was due to him finding out Giselle was playing him. Dante didn't even know if the baby was really his but he knew there was a possibility.

The news had Selah at a loss for words. Her devotion to Dante fading as each minute ticked by. A baby? Nah, that couldn't be right. Something she'd been denied to have since they were in college due to Dante's claims of not being ready.

That wasn't even the tip of the iceberg, the time she spent loving someone that didn't love her hurt to the core. It didn't even matter that he said "You being here for me has made me want to work to love you." Selah wanted to scream to the top of her lungs. The pain she felt made her feel as if she was close to having a heart attack. She felt stupid for choosing Dante over Amar.
After all he'd put her through she deserved happiness but her dumb ass heart always chose what was wrong everytime.

Dante watched as Selah coursed through her emotions. Then it finally hit him, he didn't deserve her. He never did. He was destined to turn a good girl bad. "Selah I know this may not mean much to you, but I'm sorry. And after today I want you to live your life. Even if that's with Amar."

Selah laughed at his attempt to make things right. "It's too late for that. You fucking ruined that, like you ruin everything else that ever happened good in my life. Here I was being treated like royalty something I never experienced with you and as soon as I see you everything good went out the window, I was ready to be treated bad just to be around you. You wanna talk about love, you don't know shit about it."

Dante listened to the pain spew from Selah. His days of playing and running game on her were over. He was faced with giving her truth or nothing.

"You wanna know why I truly don't love you?" Selah only stared at him blankly. "It's because no matter how many times I hurt you, you stayed. I hated that shit. You might have thought it made me want you more but it made me pity being with you. I saw your weakness which is why in clung to Giselle, she was everything you wasn't. I'm sorry for playing with your heart ma, I really am, and I hope you can forgive me."

Selah continued to stare at him, her mind was mush. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She thought she knew everything about Dante but apparently she was wrong. All these years he's been hiding things from her, things that might have changed everything. "So that's why you came back," she said softly. "You were just trying to fix things."

"I didn't know what else to do."

Selah looked at him in disbelief. He was really sorry. She could see that in his eyes. Selah's heart softened at the sight. She took a deep breath and finally gave him a forgiving smile. "I love you Dante. No matter what."

Dante smiled back at Selah before finally succumbing to the morphine.

The doctors said that it was a miracle that Dante was even alive. Selah wanted to believe it, that maybe there was still something good inside Dante. But she knew that ultimately Dante was still the same selfish bastard that treated her so poorly. She just hoped that one day he would change. But for now she was choosing her for the first time in forever.

She rushed out of the hospital room headed to find Amar.

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