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"Hey, Ray!" My best friend, Norman, smiles at me, as he sits in the seat next to me. "Oh, um, Hey Norman," I respond, I've had a crush on him since we were in 6th grade. We're in 10th now.

"How are you and Emma?" I ask him. "Oh, not very well, We've been arguing a lot," he frowns and looks down. "Im sorry to hear that," I tell him.

"Class is starting!" The teacher calls. I pull out my book and start reading.

"Ray! Are you paying attention?!" The teacher shouts at me. I nod. "Okay then?! What's the answer to x3 y3 z3 K?!" The teacher asks me. The class goes completely silent and looks at me. "42," I answer. She does the math. "Correct," she mumbles and continues teaching.

The class sits wide eyed. "Ray, how'd you know that?" Norman whispers to me. "I just do, I guess," I smile and continue reading.
After class, Norman and I walk to the cafeteria. We sit down at our normal table.

"Norman!" Emma yells, "you never spend any time with me!" Norman rolls his eyes and stands up. "Calm down, I'm allowed to spend time with other people too!" Norman tells shouts back. Gilda sits down next to me as they bicker.

"They're so annoying, they should just break up already," she whispers. "You're saying that because you like Emma, right?" I ask her. She turns a really dark crimson. "Yea- but no at the same time," She replies. I nod. I completely understand her. They always argue and it's really getting annoying.

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