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Todays the day, I will confess to Ray, no matter what.

I hold his hand as we walk to school. What if he doesn't like me? What if he hates me? What if- he wouldn't do what he does with you if he didn't like you.

"Hey Ray, want to go to the park after school?" I ask him. "Uhm, yeah, sure," he responds and smiles at me.

We walk to class and sit in our seats. Ray pulls out his book and starts reading.
After school, Ray takes my hand as we head towards the park. "Hey, Norman, Are you okay?" Ray asks me. "U-Um y-yeah," I smile at him. He nods slowly and faces forwards.

We sit down on a bench side by side.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask after a long time, breaking the silence. "You can tell me anything. "Ray I don't want to fake date anymore," I say. "I- Oh O-Okay," he responds and looks away. "I want to real date you," I say and face him. "W-Wha," he tries speaking but no words come out. He flushed red.

"Ray, what I'm saying is- I like you," I smile at him. "I- I l-like y-you t-too," he says quietly. "I couldn't hear you," I say knowing full well what he said. "I-I l-like y-you t-too," he says a little louder. "Huh?" I hum in fake confusion. "I LIKE YOU TOO," he shouts.

I blush a bright red. "Awww, Ray, come here," I say opening my arms. Ray crawls up to me. I wrap him in my arms. Ray looks up at me. He pecks my jawline. "Wrong place Ray," I smirk, looking down at him.

I grab his chin and pull him closer to me. Right when our lips are about to touch I place my thumb in the way.

He huffs and moves away from me. "Rayyyy, im sorryyyyy," I whine and hug him. I turn him to look at me and lean towards him.

I place my lips on his. He kisses back almost automatically.

"Are you happy, now?" I tease him. "Sh-shush," he says flustered. "Will you be my boyfriend, Ray?" I ask him. "Sure," he mumbles and hugs me. "Sure?! Why only sure?! Where's my 'oh of corse Norman'?!" I say imitating his voice. "oH oF cOrSe NoRmAn," he says mocking me.

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