(i think) i think i'm fallin' in you

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Jiang Cheng really should get a better defense mechanism against Lan Huan's, pathetic, but very much ice-melting, puppy-dog eyes. Really, he falls for them every time, even when he tells himself don't look, don't look, don't look goddammit –!

This is how Jiang Cheng finds himself being led out of the reception hall by Lan Huan and into the parking lot.

"Huan-ge, people will notice, your uncle" Jiang Cheng pleads, a weak attempt because he really isn't making any real effort to convince Lan Huan otherwise.

It all feels so juvenile – sneaking out like this, with Lan Huan, to make out, like Jiang Cheng was seventeen again and skipped class in favour of making out with Lan Huan on the rooftop whenever he paid a visit to the high school. Lan Huan always had that effect on him – to make Jiang Cheng feel young – like the joys of youth never really left him.

"Everyone is drunk out of their minds, A-Cheng, they won't know a thing." Lan Huan stops in front of his car, his free hand going into his pant pocket to fish out his keys.

"Lan Huan, you cannot be serious." Jiang Cheng blinks in disbelief at his now-husband. "you're insatiable, can't you wait?"

"How can I when A-Cheng is looking so handsome for me," Lan Huan practically purrs, his eyes glinting with mischief. Jiang Cheng continues to look at Lan Huan in disbelief, though he does note how lovely his husband looks in the moonlight.

"You! What if someone does come to look for us, what if Wei Yin–"

"It's our wedding night, A-Cheng, we can do whatever we want," Lan Huan reasons like that makes any sense, his thumb rubs gently on Jiang Cheng's wrist. "I don't want to hear any other man's name from your mouth except mine, okay, A-Cheng?"

"You're the most insane man in the world, you know that?"

Jiang Cheng scoffs but ultimately lets himself get pulled into the backseat, Lan Huan immediately pushes him into the cool leather and shut the door. Before Jiang Cheng can make himself comfortable, Lan Huan is on him, covering Jiang Cheng with his body, his hand goes to cradle the back of Jiang Cheng's head and Lan Huan pulls Jiang Cheng in for a kiss.

This isn't an ideal space for two fully-grown men, but they'll make do since Lan Huan apparently cannot wait a few more hours. Jiang Cheng finds whatever protests he has died on his tongue, instead melting into Lan Huan's touch, focusing on the warmth of Lan Huan's body, the wet slide of Lan Huan's mouth against his. Jiang Cheng, right now, isn't thinking about how Lan Huan is ruining his perfectly styled hair, or how both of their shirts are getting rumpled, creasing with every tiny movement, and he definitely isn't thinking about any nosy guest that might be looking for them. That was Jiang Cheng of the past concern.

Jiang Cheng feels Lan Huan moving, his hand coming to unbuckle his belt, Jiang Cheng lifts his hips in an attempt to help, and Jiang Cheng's own hands move to remove Lan Huan's belt, letting the leather fall to the floor of the car.

"Why is your pants so difficult?" Lan Huan hisses, his fingers frantic, trying to pull down the offending fabric. Jiang Cheng grabs Lan Huan by the wrist.

"A-Cheng?" he says quietly.

"Be gentle! You'll rip my pants off," Jiang Cheng scolds, "you know our outfits cost a fortune."

"We'll just buy new ones, not an issue. Now, can this thing just come off," Lan Huan tries again, desperate.

"Ge, Huan-ge," Jiang Cheng shifts, moving his hand to undo the tie wrapped around Lan Huan's dress shirt, fingers shaking and his movements clumsy.

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