Confusion and Consideration

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING!!! Mention of overthinking, and abandonment. Read at your own risk.⚠️

~y/n's POV~

A few days go by, and Wally doesn't seem to show the same interest in me as I have in him.

Though he brings me apples and paintings almost everyday, I can tell that he doesn't like me in the same way.

That's one problem I have. I fall for people too soon. Then when I confront them, they reject me and push me away.

We grow apart and they ghost me. Though Wally doesn't seem to be that type of person I can't help but overthink.

That he'll leave me once I confess. I can see it.

*I'd confess my feelings and then he'd look at me in pure disgust and pure hatred. He'd say that I'm disgusting and that he never wants to talk to me again.*

I feel tears start to well up in my eyes and forget where I am. I let the tears wall down my face and curl up in my blanket and cry.

~Wally's POV~

I'm doing another painting of y/n and I hear something in the room next to me. I wonder what it is and I realize that it kind of sounds like someone crying.

"What the-?" I mumble quietly. I meander out of my room and make my way silently to Y/n's room.

They keep their door open for the most part. As I get closer to the room, the sounds get more renounced, and I confirm that they are crying.

I walk up to the door and see them curled up in their blanket, crying. I knock softly on their door and enter with a soft and kind, yet slightly worried look on my face.

"What's wrong Neighbour? Are you alright? Why are you crying?" I ask, trying to comfort them.

"Oh nothing. I'm just overreacting as usual. I guess living without my parents after so long as put a lot on me lately.

Even with your guys' support. It's still hard and I still miss them." I frown a little bit and move a little bit closer to them.

"Is it alright if I give you a hug?" I ask. I want to make them feel better. They sniffle and wipe some tears off their face.

"Yeah. I think that that's kinda what I need right now." I smile a little bit and embrace them in a warm hug, in hopes that it helps.

"Yes. Hugs always help me when I'm upset." I say, still hugging them. I begin to wonder if they are truly alright.

"Honestly, I think that you're just homesick. That happens when you're away from your comfort people after being with them for a long time.

Homesickness is completely normal." They sniffle again. "Yeah that's probably just it.

"They say with a slight frown. "I'm sorry for worrying you, Mr.- I mean Wally.

I didn't mean to worry you. I'm totally fine." They rambled on. I embrace them again noticing that they seem quite nervous.

"Don't worry Neighbour, you did worry me a little bit but everything is alright now. Everything is gonna be alright. I promise." I assure them.

They seem to cheer up a bit. "Thank you. Mr.- I mean Wally! Man, I need to get used to that."

I chuckle. "That's alright Neighbour. Don't worry about it. I promise it's fine." I hug them again.

Hey there!! This chapter was 604 words long! I hope that you liked this chapter! It is currently 3:04 a.m. for me, so this was kinda sloppy. But at least it's something!

Wally Darling x Reader (Welcome Home fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now