The confession

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A few months go by and I have only fallen harder for Wally.

I decided that I'm going to confess to Wally how I feel. I don't know how he'll react so I won't go overboard about it and just keep it casual.

I won't make him feel like he NEEDS to be with me. I'm very nervous.

So I invite him on a picnic and I made an apple pie for him to enjoy before I confess to him.

-time skip-

We arrive at our picnic location and we both enjoy the food (Wally more than me as I was nervous and could barely eat) and once the pie was gone I decided that now was the time co confess.

"Uhh Wally?" I ask, fidgety and nervous. "I need to tell you something." Wally looks up from what he's doing in curiosity.

"Oh? Alright. Fire away Neighbour!" He says with full enthusiasm as he repositions himself.

I prepare myself and take a long deep breath. I'm so shaky and I can barely think straight.

"Here's the thing... I like you Wally. Not just as a friend or a roommate. I like you. Like, like you.

I wanna be more than friends but you don't have to say yes if you don't want to... I totally understand if you say no.. I just had to get it out.

It's been weighing me down for a while and it's been stressing me out. I just needed to get this off my chest.

I totally understand if you don't want to... and I wouldn't be surprised if you left me like everyone else does..."

I ramble on looking down at my crossed legs, and still fidgeting.

"Neighbour.." I feel a hand on the side of my face and look up to see Wally inches from my face, and feel my face intensely start burning.

He slowly moves closer to me and I get lost in the moment and allow my eyes to flutter shut. I wonder what this means.

CLIFFHANGERRR!!!! This chapter was 388 words long which is shorter than the other chapters, but it's worth it. I'm also really tired so it's not very good. It's almost 4 o'clock in the morning for me so I should probably go to bed. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Goodnight y'all!

Wally Darling x Reader (Welcome Home fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now