A surprise

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He slowly moves closer to me and I get lost in the moment and allow my eyes to flutter shut. I wonder what this means.


I feel his lips press softly against mine and think to myself: "Oh my god this can't be happening oh my god oh my god oh my god. Does this mean he feels the same way about me? What does this mean???"

—time rewind with Wallys POV—

I finish eating the yummy apple pie y/n brought.

"Uhh Wally?" My ears notice the sound of my name and I look up. "I need to tell you something."

I wonder what they want to say to me. "Oh? Alright. Fire away Neighbour!" I say fully enthusiastic and reposition myself.

They take a deep breath and can't seem to sit still.

"Here's the thing... I like you Wally. Not just as a friend or a roommate. I like you. Like, like you.

I wanna be more than friends but you don't have to say yes if you don't want to... I totally understand if you say no.. I just had to get it out.

It's been weighing me down for a while and it's been stressing me out. I just needed to get this off my chest.

I totally understand if you don't want to... and I wouldn't be surprised if you left me like everyone else does..."

They ramble on looking down at their crossed legs, and still fidgeting.

This is not something I was expecting. I wanted to confess first.

I've fallen for them so hard within the past couple months and felt heart warmed that they cared about me in that way.

"Neighbour.." i say in a soft tone and put my hand on the side of their face.

They stop rambling and look up at me and realize that our faces are inches apart.

I notice that they are blushing and I move closer to them and I close my eyes and kiss them softly. I've wanted to do that for so long.

They kiss me back just as softly. I get lost in the moment and feel a warm swirl of emotions.

I intensify the kiss a little bit more and pull them closer to me. I want nothing more than to keep them in my arms.

They return the kiss just as passionate and seems to get lost in the moment.

I enjoy the heat emitting from our bodies and break apart from them, breathing heavily, flustered by my own bold move. I smile.

"I've wanted to do that for quite some time. No need to worry Y/n. We share the same feelings.

I've noticed a growing passionate feeling for you over the last couple months and wanted to be the first to confess.

Your own confession caught me off guard because you confessed before I could. But I don't care about you any less."

I bring them into a warm embrace. "Thank you Wally." They say softly. "Your welcome y/n." I say.

WOW!! this chapter took me all day to write. This chapter was 527 words long. I kept getting distracted. This definitely got interesting!!

Wally Darling x Reader (Welcome Home fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now