Chapter 2

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When we arrived at school the parking lot was packed with cars and finding a parking spot wasn't a smooth ride . Luckily I found a spot to park the car in the far end of the lot . After parking my dearest car both Jacob and I climbed out as quickly as possible and rushed into the school's entrance .

We walked down the empty hallways side by side until Jacob's class came into view , it seemed like the lesson had already started  . He muttered something incoherent under his breath as he rushed to his locker to grab out a few books while I waited for him . He panicked his way to class , running past me in the pursuit of getting to class without missing the lesson . 

" Have a great day Jacob , I'll see you later !" I called out after him but received no reply , not even a nod off acknowledge to state that he heard me . Nothing at all .

I swallowed all the bile that formed a lump in my throat , gripped my bag and made my way to my first class . I entered the class only to be the center of all the stares . Everyone was now looking at me and it took everything in me not to scurry out of the class . I looked around nervously , biting my bottom lip as everyone scrutinized me .

It seemed that the whole class was settled and ready for today's lesson . Everyone except for Mr Richard was looking my way , a girl with fiery red hair had the ugliest scowl on her face that almost made me gag . I stood awkwardly in front of the classroom , fidgeting with my my feet . Mr Richard decided to speak , breaking the tension in the room with his hoarse voice .

" So glad you could join us Joe , now please take your seat and stop distracting my class . Come late again and I will be forced to put you out of this class , got it ? " Mr Richard asked after a long deafening silence . I nodded and  quickly made my way to my desk in the far end of the classroom .

I plopped down as quietly as possible to avoid  distracting the class again . As the lesson proceeded I couldn't hear what Mr Richard was saying , it felt like I was in a different place , everything felt unfamiliar like the classroom had disappeared and I found myself in an unknown place . I couldn't hear anything aside from the sound of the waves . I could swear I smelled it too and it was intoxicating. I was drowning but in my own thoughts .

It became harder to catch my breath with how much I was being suffocated by the smell of the ocean . I wanted to scream , maybe even freak out a bit but something was holding me back . I couldn't move my whole body was frozen . This feeling was all new to me .

It was when I looked around did I feel a weird sensation on the back of my head , someone's intense stare was penetratingly painful . I don't know if it just me but the class was suddenly colder . The shivers down my spine told me that I was not overreacting to the mere fact that the classroom was ice cold .

" What's happening ..." I whispered under my breath .

I looked around aimlessly and met eyes with the most peculiar looking person I have ever seen . They had the brightest citrine eyes you could ever come across , their long hair was the most beautiful shade of white . It was so long that it covered their whole body .

The person's face was round and chubby that you could mistaken it with containing baby fat . Their porcelain skin resembled the bathroom's tile floor with beautiful red lips that contradicted their pale features .

The said person was certainly a girl and it wasn't hard to figure that out by just looking at her . She quickly looked away so I didn't have a chance to study her more further . She was really beautiful , she reminded me of a lit moon in the darkest of nights .

I have never seen her before , she was probably a new transfer student . She had such striking looks that I found myself staring at her the entire time . Where had someone like that come from , why was no one saying anything about her extraordinary beauty ?

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