chapter 10

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It was Friday already and the week had passed by in a blink of an eye . The last time I saw Atticus was the previous week when I had given Eros the chocolate bar . He never showed up at school anymore and I was starting to question if he'd really been here . I wish I had taken his number when I had the chance , maybe I wouldn't be so gloomy about his disappearance .

It pained me to the core because I was convinced that he was my friend . But now it seems that I got my hopes way up higher than I should have . I should've known that Atticus was bound to disappear from my life , just like everyone else I cared about .

Everyone in the house noticed I wasn't my usual self but kept it to themselves . They knew very well that I wouldn't be truly honest with them , not when I couldn't admit that I had feelings for a boy . I wasn't supposed to like Atticus the way I did .

" I'm not supposed to like anyone ..." I whispered miserably .

" Huh ? Are you saying something Joe ?" Jason asked , his eyes looking at me worriedly .

We were both standing by the car , waiting on Jacob so that we'd head home . I was already tired of waiting , I just wanted to lay in my bed and sleep my problems away . I scanned the parking lot for any signs of a tall boy before directing my attention back to Jason .

" No ." I answered curtly .

" But I could've sworn I heard something ... what the fuck is happening to you ? You're all serious-- is that Betty ?" Jason gasped , looking over my head at something .

I turned around to find Jacob walking with the same girl from the other day . They were holding hands and the short girl couldn't stop giggling . I rolled my eyes when she noticed us staring at them before waving at us . Jason's mouth was agape as his eyes darted from the girl to his twin brother .

" Why are you being weird ?" I asked him but he just shook his head .

" I mean how did he do it ? Betty's like the hottest girl I've ever seen and yet she's holding hands with him ? He's a fucking loser ! " Jason yelled the last part before open the passenger side , climbing in with a huff .

" Okay ?"

" Hey Joey ." Betty said , her eyes crinkled cutely . She was standing in front of me with an extended hand .

" It's Joe ... no one calls me Joey ." I lied  distractedly .

There was only one person who called me by that name and I preferred it that way . My name has never sounded so pleasing from someone else . But she didn't need to know that , I just couldn't let her ruin beautiful images in my head .

" Okay I get it , My name's Betty August . It's a pleasure to finally meet you ." She said and I took her extended hand to shake it .

" Pleasure is all mine ." I answered before turning my attention to Jacob . "Get in the car , we don't have all day ."

Jacob narrowed his eyes at me before nodding his head . I made my way to the driver's side and climbed in gracefully . Jason was looking out the window where his brother was hugging the small girl .

" Can you tell him we need to fucking go !" I said frustratedly but Jason shook his head .

" I'm not telling him shit , do it yourself ."

" Why are you so upset ?"

" Look at him , he's rubbing it in my face ! "

" Rubbing what ?"

" That he can fucking walk around kissing the girl he likes Joe !"

" And why can't you ?"

Jason turned his wide eyes at me but I was looking at him confusedly . He studied my expression before sighing loudly . He turned his face forward before he spoke .

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