Chapter 5

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The next day I woke up before my alarm . I had only received a few hours of sleep resulting in a painful headache . I slowly got up from my bed and checked the time only find out that I was an hour early . I sighed a breath of relief but immediately regretted it when a sharp pain pieced me .  I'm having a migraine .

After stretching my stiff limbs , I headed towards my bathroom . Luckily for me I had all the time to fix myself properly today . I would get the time to tame my unruly curls .

I had been thinking about cutting my long hair shorter but I never got the chance . So eventually , I let it grown pass my shoulders .

I did my morning routine like the usual . I spent a lot of time on fixing my hair . I used some conditioner to detangle my curls , while cutting off the split ends . Maybe if I had shaved my head I wouldn't have to go through so much trouble with the  knots . 

After a whole 10 minutes of detangling , I tied my hair in a big bun just like Jacob did yesterday . It was difficult to tie everything up because I had small hands and my hair was big . But I did a decent job .

I left the bathroom to grabb my phone before going downstairs . I was met with Kiki in the hallway , the white cat was enjoying her peace of mind . Nothing in the world was bothering her and my stomach churned with envy .

" Why can't I be like you Kiki ?" I said while stroking her soft fur .

" Meow ."


  I kissed her on the head before making my way downstairs . When i arrived downstairs I went straight to the living room  in hopes that I'd find mom there . I entered the threshold and my mouth went slack .

Inside the room I found Puffy laying on top of Jason , the boy snoring . I made my way to where he laid and softly shook him awake . Jason open his left eye before rolling on his side , making the cat jump away from him .

"You're not going to school? " I asked .

" No I'm not ." He rasped .

" And why the fuck not ?!"

" I don't wanna go to school okay ?! Leave me alone ..."

"No way , you're going to school ... I can't let you skip school Jason " I told him sternly and the boy rolled his eyes .

" You can't make me do what you want Joe ."

" Watch me !" I said angrily .

I snatched his blanket away from him only to leave him exposed in nothing but his boxers . He angrily grabbed the blanket back from my hand to cover himself up . His face flushed from the unexpected exposure .

" Hey , why the fuck did you do that for ? I said I'm not going to school now leave me alone Joe ... don't you get tired of harassing me ?! " Jason yelled before standing up from his laying position . He threw a glare my way before leaving me standing alone .

" You're going to school and that's final ! I'm not gonna argue with you Jason , you can be mean about it and I still won't care ... Go wash up ! " I yelled after him before going to the kitchen to make some breakfast .

I wanted to spoil mom today , thank her for everything she has done for our family with a simple breakfast .

After finishing everything I made my way to the fridge , took out some orange juice and poured everyone a glass .

" I smell bacon ... " Jacob said when he entered the kitchen .

" I made breakfast ."

He was never a morning person so I didn't expect him to greet me but I was hoping he'd compliment my hard work . He simply took a seat , grabbed a plate and went to eating his food without saying another word . I stood awkwardly not knowing how to say what was on my mind .

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