Chapter 3

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Tick tock tick tock

Blinking my eyes open I came face to face with Jacob and Jason . They both had worried gazes plastered on their faces . Jacob was nervously biting his fingertips and pacing around the room . His twin brother was looking down at me with distant eyes .

I took in my surrounding with a panicked expression . Jacob was lookng at his brother with concern , they were exchanging few words to each other . They spoke in hushed voices until they both turned around and left without saying anything .

Moments later they came back with my bag in hand . I looked at both their faces but I couldn't read their expression .

" Help me lift him up ."  Jason instructed his brother as they helped me in a sitting position . They were careful not to hurt my injured arm . I winced slightly , cursing at the excruciating pain on my back .

" Careful you dipshit , can't you see you're hurting him ? " Jason said .

" Okay , do it yourself then ." Jacob sassed .

" Are you serious ?"

" ..."

I looked between them , a feeling of nostalgia invading my senses . It felt like I was young again , the way Jacob held me reminded me of how Micah use to look after me back when he was still living with us .

I never understood why I needed so much special attention but now I realised that maybe I was weak . I wasn't tall like Jacob and I certainly wasn't mascular like Jason . I was just a twig compared to my brothers .

Once I was sitting on the uncomfortable bed , I closed my eyes . I needed time to think about what had happened before this . I was beginning to think that my brain wasn't functioning properly now . I sighed audibly before opening my eyes . The twins were still looking at me with weird expressions .

"Come on Joe say something already ! what's happening to you , are you sick ? " Jason said after a moment of silence . " look at him Jacob , he won't say anything ! let's just call mother , maybe she'll know what to do because my hands are tied !" he added frustratedly .

He was mirroring his brother by pacing around the room like a maniac he was . His frustration could be seen by how he pulling at his hair . Jacob just looked at him unamused before sighing his own frustration out .

" That's a bad idea , we can't call mom ... she'll stress even more ... let's just take him home Jason " Jacob reasoned with his twin brother who in return flipped him off .

"Take him home ? are you forgetting that we can't drive ? calling mom is our only option . Stop trying to be smarter than me for once and listen to me . " Jason said with an eye roll . " look at him ... does he look normal to you ? His fucking eyes just miraculously turned blue . I saw his face glow and we are so lucky that no one witnessed that ! " Jason said again , looking more conflicted than anything.

The two brothers continued to bicker their way out until I decided to put an end to their fight . I raised my hands to gain their attention on me . They simultaneously whipped their head in my direction and I cleared my dry throat .

" I'm fine , I don't need you guys to take me home ... I'll just drive myself " I told them only to receive looks of uncertainty from them .

I could clearly see that both my brothers wanted to go against my word but I gave them a firm nod to show them that I was capable of driving . I hated it when people made me feel like I had to be looked after . I was their older brother , not their little sister for Christ's sake !

I gradually got off the bed and took careful steps towards the door , my feet were aching so I avoided putting too much pressure on them . I bit my lip to stop myself from cursing .

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