chapter 11

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We arrived at Hunter's place earlier than the actual party started so we decided it'll be best if we stayed inside the car in the meantime . The twins were sitting in the backseat waiting impatiently while I scanned over the place .

We sat in comfortable silence as we waited for the right time to head into what seemed like a dangerous territory . The huge house itself screamed terror . I don't know if I was exaggerating but I could feel the hairs on my arms standing erect .

The lights were off but I caught a glimpse of Hunter's silhouette on the window , he seemed to be talking to someone on the phone . At least he's doing something , I thought .

" We've been sitting in this car for an hour now ." Jacob commented lamely .

" At this point I just want to go home ." I added , my attention on the window .

" No way , we're not going home ... Let's wait a little longer , it's not the guy's fault that we came early ." Jason spoke .

  I turned my attention on the rearview mirror to check if there was any cars and I found only one car . The car hadn't been there when we arrived and I certainly wasn't aware of it until now .

" There's a car behind us but it's empty ." I said and the twins looked to where I had been staring at .

" Yeah but how the fuck did we not hear anything ?" Jacob mused .

" Soundproof ?"

" You're an idiot Jason ..."

The car was red with tinted black windows and squinting my eyes for close inspection I saw blackness . No source of light could be seen therefore the car stood motionless as the night progressed .

I stared intently at it for a moment before darting my eyes around for any forms life . While I was looking around the place I saw movement at the corner of my eye and quickly whipped my head around . I was met with nothing but the moon's reflective light . I could've sworn I saw something but I ignored it .

I frowned when Jacob opened the backseat door and climbed out before making himself comfortable in the passenger side . I was giving him an incredulous look as he leaned back on the seat and closed his tired .

" What do you think your doing ?" I asked .

" I don't wanna sit next to him , he keeps bouncing on fucking seat ." Jacob answered , his eyes still closed .

" Do you have a problem with me ?" Jason narrowed his eyes at his brother's back .

" Okay , let's not fight over something stupid ."

" He started it ." they said simultaneously earning an eye roll from me .

I was also fidgeting in my seat from nervousness but I couldn't let them see it . I have never been to a real party though I have watched and read about all the madness that comes with it and I had to admit that I wasn't ready for all of that .

I did have some kind of expectation on how a party should be like considering how much I've read about them . I wasn't expecting the party to be like in the movies where the atmosphere is in the abyss of a slow motion rhythm and everyone is losing their minds over the beat . None of that was real to me .

Whether I came here for the experience or looking after my brothers , I was willing to loosen up a bit . Father used to tell me that there was always a first time for everything and this was mine .

" Argh I'm so bored , when is this thing fucking starting !? "  Jason whined .

" We should be asking you . Hunter's your friend , not ours ." Jacob mused .

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