Episode six-mm~

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"Attention please! Tomorrow we are going to Spain Madrid for a week so be ready have a suitcase and clothes for a whole week. Pack toothbrush,Toothpaste,hairbrush,towel,clothes,phones,food and water everything but not something stupid."

Everyone was happy about the trip. We will be flying for 7 hours.. I wasn't happy that much I'm scared of heights.. Valentina already knew abt that and looked at me and asked.

"Are you gonna be alr? If not sit with me."

"I don't know.." I said...

"Okay! Everyone will have rooms with someone but I'll choose. First Iva and Joana."
I was praying that I will not go with Valentina..
"Second... Valentina and.... Len"
"Fuck.." I whispered.Valentina looked at me confused. "Excuse me what..."she whispered back. When teacher finished all of the things we needed we went home.

When I got home I packed all my things I need plus I packed my dairy with all of my secrets and sketch book too.

When we got to the airport I was all stressed.. my legs were shaking but I really wanted to go to my fav country. I have been learning Spanish over 5 years.

When we got to the plane I got really dizzy and nervous. What if the plane crashes. Valentina came to me and asked."You don't look good are you okay?..." I didn't say anything just grabbed Valentina hand and hold it all the time. Our bags were hiding it.

We sat to our seat and I fell asleep. We were still holding hands all they way to Madrid.

I woke up after 6 hours. Valentina was still holding my hand.. I was blushing. Valentina was asleep she was so cute... ugh what's wrong with me.. I woke up Valentina accidentally "shit sorry.." I said. "Dw it's okay.." she said in a deep voice.. DEEP VOICE...Damn.. I was all red.. "Uhh are you okay?? U are all red."
She asked. "Y-yeah.. I-I am.."

After 7 hours we were already landing. We got to our hotel and got our rooms. We had kitchen,bathroom,bedroom and living room. I love cooking so I cooked some soup for us. I gave it to Valentina and get back to cooking.

"Oh my god.. this is so good!" She said."oh thanks!" I smiled. It was 10pm i got to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Valentina came to me and hugged me from behind. It was so comfy. "Mm~" I accidentally moaned.. "you like my hugging?" She asked.. "Oh im sorry.." i said. There was only one big bed in the bedroom. "I'm sleeping on the couch" I said.
"No you're sleeping with me." She said angrily.. "shut up and go to sleep!" I shouted.
Ty for reading!!!<33333

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