Episode seven-Birthday

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"Shut up and go to sleep!" I shouted. "Only if you sleep with me." She said."ARE YOU NORMAL?!" I asked. "Yeah I guess?" She answered. It was getting really late and I saw Valentina drinking alcohol. She was really drunk. "Want a sip sweetheart?" She asked.

"I-I.. okay ig..." I answered. After drinking all of the bottle I got really drunk with Valentina. It was a fun night. "Kiss me~" She said.. "Noooo...~" I answered. She smiled and hugged me really hard "Let's go watch somethinggg" I said. She agreed and turned on a movie. After 1h we felt asleep together on the bed...

In the morning I was so tired. I shouldn't drink too much alcohol. Valentina was still sleeping and I was making pancakes for our breakfast (Valentina's fav). "Good morning Val. How are you feeling??" I asked. "Sleepy.. AND HUNGRY!" She answered and got up really quickly because of the smell of pancakes.

"DID YOU MAKE THIS FOR ME?????" She asked happily seeing pancakes with strawberries, cream and cacao powder. "Yes!" I smiled."hmm Valentina's birthday are coming soon" I said
in my head... I should take her on a date or something no no... I can't... we aren't dating..

"Are you okay sweetheart?.." Valentina asked me. "Huh.. oh.. yeah. Sorry" I rushed to wash the dishes all red. Damn.. why do I blush every time she calls me that cute names.. Someone knocked on the door. It was Joana with Daria "oh hello! U came at the best moment. Want some pancakes??" I said.

"DID SOMEBODY SAY PANCAKES?? YESS" Daria shouted really loud. "Can you be quiet please I'm trying to sleeeep.." Valentina said. After they are all of the pancakes they got to their room and Valentina woke up. I was sleeping on the couch but Valentina picked me up and put me on the bed and she was awake till 1am.

In the morning I woke up really early so I decided to go shopping for Valentina's birthday. I was quiet because I didn't want to woke up Valentina so she doesn't know. "Where are you?? Are you safe? I'm going out with Iva, Daria and Felix.(Darias bf)" Valentina texted me and I replied. "Oh okay! I'm getting boba rn." I lied. I bought flowers, necklace and some sweets.

I came back to the hotel and hid all the gifts i grabbed ripped paper and got to writing something for her.
"I can't thank you enough for being my friend and being there for me. I promise to love you at every moment, each day, and each year. I'm grateful to have you in my life. Happy birthday Val!❤️"

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