Episode eight-oh how cute...

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I came back to the hotel and hid all the gifts i grabbed ripped paper and got to writing something for her.
"I can't thank you enough for being my friend and being there for me. I promise to love you at every moment, each day, and each year. I'm grateful to have you in my life. Happy birthday Val!❤️"

Then i needed to wash the dishes and cook something. Hmmm i should make ramen for Valentina I know she will be hungry. I made it and washed all the dishes and cleaned our room. I put a paper saying "For Val." behind ramen.

After that i saw Valentina coming back at the hotel at midnight. I turned on TV and lay on the bed. "Im here!" Valentina shouted. I already fell asleep of shopping and cleaning everything. "Oh how cute..." She said.

*my birthday is coming up tomorrow.. hmm i should make a birthday party or something like that. But where i wondered* I went to sleep next to Len bcuz why not. I hugged her from behind and fell asleep.

I woke up at 5am and got to shower so i don't smell bad. After that i changed my clothes and got to cooking pancakes and cupcakes. First pancakes Valentina's favourite. When i made them i put them on the plate and put vanilla cream with strawberries on it plus chocolate sirup.

After all of that I washed the dishes and it was 7am and Valentina wakes about 10am. I grabbed the gifts and packed them. Next i grabbed a mini paper saying "Everything for u happy birthday!!" After that I called Joana,Daria,Adam and Caleb to the park. "Soo have you heard about the Valentina's party??" Asked Daria. "Huh? Not yet shes still sleeping." I responded. We came to a cafe and got coffee. Then we came to our rooms back.

I saw Valentina was awake "Good morning" i said seeing her blush and smile.. "uh are you okay?" I asked. I knew she wasn't alright..
*Valentinas POV*
That dress.. damn shes so pretty and the hair?!! Dang that girl can wear anything.
"Oh yeah sorry.. good morning and thank you for the ramen yesterday and for pancakes and gifts. I really liked them." She said...

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