Episode TEN.-...

241 5 0

Everyone has already left after drinking alcohol. I already fell asleep of all of it. When I woke up it was 10am and I needed to clean everything.

After I got up everything was cleaned and shiny.. "Valentina did u clean everything??" I asked. "Yeah why you are cleaning and cooking everyday and tomorrow we're gonna go home from spain." She said and smiled. "Oh thank you." I left a smile on my face.

"Soo wanna go on a mini date??" She asked nervously. "But we aren't dating.. but of course!" I said. Len and Valentina have been friends for a few months now, and they were both excited for their first date. They had planned to go to a fancy restaurant in the city, and Len had even bought a new dress for the occasion.

As they walked into the restaurant, Len couldn't help but feel nervous. She had never been on a date with a woman before, and she wanted everything to be perfect. Valentina, on the other hand, seemed calm and collected, as if she had done this a million times before.

They were seated at a table by the window, and Len couldn't help but admire the view. The city lights were beautiful, and the atmosphere was romantic. Valentina ordered a bottle of wine, and they both sipped on it as they perused the menu.

As they ate their meal, Len and Valentina talked about everything under the sun. They talked about their families, their jobs, and their hobbies. They laughed and joked, and Len felt like she had known Valentina forever.

After dinner, they decided to take a walk around the city. They held hands as they walked, and Len felt a sense of comfort and security with Valentina. They stopped at a park, and Valentina pulled out a blanket from her bag.

They sat down on the blanket, and Valentina pulled out a small box. Len's heart skipped a beat as Valentina opened the box to reveal a beautiful necklace. "I got this for you," Valentina said, "as a symbol of our love."

Len was speechless. She had never received such a thoughtful gift before, and she felt overwhelmed with emotion. She hugged Valentina tightly, and they hugged under the stars.

As they walked back to their car, Len couldn't help but feel grateful for this amazing woman in her life. She knew that she had found someone special, and she couldn't wait to see where their friendship would take them.

From that day on, Len and Valentina were inseparable. They went on many more dates, and they fell deeper in love with each passing day. They knew that they had found their soulmate in each other, and they were grateful for every moment they spent together.

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