Weapons In Fashion

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"What?" Eren answered the phone, it was Petra. "Ellen, has Jean gave you the necessary informations?" "Yes Ma'am, he did" Eren replied

"There's been a change of plans, Pixis, the man in target was invited to this... Engagement party. He's not going to be at his office, I know this is a chance to search his office, but it seems there's more to the party he's going to." Petra said

"So does that mean, I have to infiltrate this party?" Eren had a bad feeling about it. "Well, all you have to do is blend in with the crowd and keep an eye on Pixis, he will bring the evidence with him and pass it to the man engaged to... Uh... Isabel... Magnolia?"

Eren knew it. It really was a bad sign.

"I can take care of that Ms. Petra" "Eh? Really?" "I just met Isabel at the mall, she liked me and decided to personally invite me to her party" Eren held the invitation on hand. It was scented, orange?

"That's good to hear! I'll have Sasha make your dress for you!" Petra said "Oh? I didn't know Sasha can sew" "Well of course not! She'll just design it hahaha"

After a few more words, Eren ended the call and slipped his phone back in his pocket. Well, it's time to crash a party.



"HUH?! Why do I have to design a dress?!" Sasha yelled at the phone "Calm down Sasha" Petra said, Sasha sat down on her sofa and left the speaker on. "Ellen really needs one that can help her move about in the party" Petra said

"Just give her normal clothes! I'm not doing it! I refuse to design clothes instead of weapons!" Sasha popped open a pack of potato chips.

"Well~ you can make the dress into a weapon right?~" Petra said, Sasha's eyebrows twitched, Petra was trying to coax her into it. "I mean.. You can make the dress... I don't know, bullet proof? Or whatever" Petra said.

"You know damn well that that's impossible right?" Sasha grinned "Then it's a challenge for you, make it possible" Petra said. "Damn it... Alright! I'll take on that challenge!" Sasha said "Yay! Then I'm counting on you!" Petra said then ended the call.

Sasha picked up her cellphone and dialed Connie's number.
A few rings before he picked it up.

"What's up Sasha?"

"We've got work to do"

"Is it hard?"



Sasha ended the phone and looked down from her maisonette. So many cars, so many metal, so many things you can make. She grinned and ate her potato chips.



"I feel sick..." Eren could never get used to the smoke coming from the cars. It's like his nose could flame up any second. He quickly entered the building, which is the HQ of the Survey Unit. He made his way past his desk and headed straight to Sasha's office. As he expected, she was there with Connie, along with other people who were sewing up the dress.

"Sasha, I came to check on the dress" Eren said "Sorry it's not finished yet, Should I add an invisibility feature on this one?" Sasha handed Connie the tablet where the design was drawn. "I think not, even if you did add and invisibility feature, it won't be able to hide all of Ellen" Connie said.

"Then, I guess I should make it bullet proof instead?" "Why?" Eren asked "Why?! Psh! Ellen, you may be one of our top ranking spies, but that doesn't mean you're not human! You can still get shot!" Sasha said "Well, I know that but... Wouldn't that just make the dress heavy?" Eren sat down on a table and admired the dress from afar.

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