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Hanji woke up feeling numb, her body felt like it's tied up, she blinked and realized that she is tied up, and she was lying down on a soft bed while her hands were bound behind her and several ropes wrapped itself around her torso and legs.

"They should have used leather instead of normal rope" Hanji muttered as she freed herself, a trick she learned from browsing too many escape techniques.

"Let's see.... Where am I?" Hanji looked around, she was surrounded by metal walls, a large window with bars blocking every exit, and a table with cake sitting on top of it.

"Am I at some sort of hotel?" Hanji stood up from the bed and walked around, she checked the doors, the exit was locked, the other lead to the bathroom.

She looked down from the window, judging by the looks of it, she's at the seventh floor. Too risky to jump, the bars might fall on a civillian and she'd end up having looked like a complete freak if they saw her heal from the fall.

She set her hearing aids to high and listened to the voices across the hall, downstairs, all over the building. She can't hear Bolt's thoughts or voices. Maybe he wasn't around.

She glanced at the cake on the table, there was a note; "I saved you a slice, eat it, take a bath, I'll come get you -Bolt" it said.

Hanji sniffed the cake, it smelled fresh, like it was just cooked up. She licked some chocolate frosting from her finger. It was delicious, she ended up eating it.

She headed for the bathroom again, she noticed a change of clothes on the shelf, she lifted it and admired it, it was a dress. She shrugged.

Was she supposed to wear this? She turned her hearing aids and set it to medium before she loses her mind with the voices.

She slipped off her sloppy jeans and sweaty T-shirt, even though there was a bathtub she decided to take a shower instead. She glanced at the large mirror that hangs on the wall and admired her figure.

She had gotten thin this past week, probably because she barely ate after all that's been happening. She touched the tattoo on her stomach with her fingertips, it was a tattoo of a dragon, a tattoo she customly made.

She turned from the mirror and took a shower, she could never set the hot water from the cold water. So she just went with cold water.

After taking a bath she wrapped her hair with a towel and slipped into the dress, it wasn't bad, but it was too long, she grabbed around for a pair of scissors and began cutting off a portion of the dress.

It still covered her knees, atleast she doesn't have to worry about tripping over it. She dryed her hair and realized that it had grown longer that it already reaches her waist. She should cut it soon.

She admired herself in the mirror and felt grossed out of her appearance, she decided to tie her hair up.

She found a pair of heels, she shuddered, heels were painful for her, she copped off the heels and wore them, she was surprised that it fit her perfectly.

As soon as she exited the bathroom, the door clicked open and Bolt entered, followed by Jean.

"Wow, you cut your dress up?" He looked at Hanji from head to toe "Why do I have to wear this anyway?" Hanji asked "We're going to a wonderful party held by the Bozad company!" Bolt said

"Bozad, that guy's company?" Hanji thought.

"We're going there for a very special reason and I was hoping to introduce you, Hanji Zoe, The Doctor's favorite assistant..." Bolt said

"I don't like parties... The annoying sounds of laughter and talks mixed with music is enough to drive me mad" Hanji said with a crooked smile.

"You have your hearing aids on, now we must go, Jean prepare the car" Bolt said and Jean vanished. "What did you do to him?" Hanji asked "Same thing as what happened to me, he lost his will to his other half" Bolt said.

"You made him lose it?!" Hanji was shocked "Erwin was shocked as well, because he didn't expect that the Hermes serum would immediately take over his body"

"You mean...!!"

"Yes, Jean is no longer Jean" Bolt said

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