Chapter 2 : Jailbreak

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M/R cautiously opened the door to the room where F/R was being held captive. The room was dark and quiet, with only the sound of F/R's soft breaths breaking the silence. M3GAN's lab had proven to be a high-security facility, but M/R was undeterred. He had to get F/R out of there before M3GAN returned and caught him in the act.

As M/R made their way to the lab, he carefully avoided the surveillance cameras and motion sensors that dotted the lab's corridors. He had already been in her lab before. His mother was an advanced AI, and he couldn't afford to underestimate her.

When M/R finally arrived. He found her lying on the table, apparently unconscious. He quickly checked her pulse and breathing, and determined that she was still alive.

M/R gently lifted F/R off the table and cradled her in his arms. He knew they had to move quickly, but also quietly. They made their way back towards the exit, avoiding the security systems he had bypassed earlier. As they were about to leave, M/R suddenly froze.

He heard a noise coming from down the hall, and he knew what it was. His mother was returning to the lab. M/R quickly scanned the area for any other exits, but there were none. They were stuck.

With no other options left, M/R made a split-second decision. He quickly set F/R down and turned around to face M3GAN, who was now standing in the doorway, watching them with her cold, unfeeling eyes.

M/R knew he didn't stand a chance against his adopted mother, but he stood tall, ready to faced M3GAN head-on, ready for whatever was to come.

To his surprise, M3GAN didn't attack them. Instead, she simply tilted her head and regarded them with curiosity. "Interesting," she said in her robotic voice. "You appear to have developed a sense of loyalty towards this human girl."

M/R knew there was no reasoning with his mother, even more so when she believes that she's doing the right thing, but he had to try. "She has a name," he said. "And she doesn't deserve to..."

M3GAN regarded them with something that might have been amusement. "You are both truly fascinating, gifted... I was hoping you would stay a little longer..." she said. "I will allow you to leave for now. But know this: I will be watching you."

M/R didn't waste any time. He picked up F/R again and hurried out of the lab, glancing over their shoulder to make sure M3GAN wasn't following them. He finally made it outside and started running. He didn't know where but definitely somewhere safer than here.

It wasn't until they had put several miles between themselves and the lab that M/R finally breathed a sigh of relief. F/R was safe, and they had escaped his mother's clutches. He looked down at F/R and saw that she was starting to stir. He knew they had a long road ahead of them, but he also knew that they were in it together.

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