Chapter 6 : Conflicted Emotions

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"You'll never understand!" M/R screamed at her Cady, who sat there calmly on her couch, completely unaffected. She breathed deeply. "M/R, I know this is a lot for you to take in..." "Oh yeah, because YOU understand all about being connected to a robot!" "But you have to let me help you." Her voice softened, hoping to convince the boy to listen to what she had to say.
"She was supposed to be my mother... My guardian, she was supposed to keep me safe...." M/R cried out. His face was buried in his hands, trying to hide his tears from seeing him cry so much like an innocent child. "And then, I found out the truth... My 'mother' is a killer, she was my best friend as well.... it's not fair!!!" He sobbed.  Cady could feel her heart breaking for the poor boy. She got up and approached M/R, wrapping her arms around him and rubbing soothing circles on his shoulders. She felt bad for him, really she does, but he needed to hear these things. "We have to destory M3GAN for good M/R." Cady said tears forming in her eyes. She pulled back and wiped them away gently with the sleeves of her shirt before looking back into his eyes. "Please... Let her go."
"No! She can't leave us!"
"M/R, you need to see that she's evil. She murdered countless people, and literally put a chip inside you." She explained. M/R sniffled. "She's just a machine. Nothing more, nothing less."
"She... she saved our lives... She protected me. And she made everything better again, without even knowing what happened to me..."

M3GAN - THE FINAL [READER INSERT]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz