Chapter 2.2: Convenience store

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After the video of my lackluster introduction had ended, everyone went about their own business, awaiting the appearance of the next video on the screen. Some dozed off; resting their heads on their arm on their lap, others buried their noses in their smartphones, some engaged in conversations with friends, while some simply sat in contemplation, trying to make sense of it all. In the midst of this bustling atmosphere, I noticed someone making their way towards me. It was Yousuke Hirata, a fellow classmate of mine with an average of height, brown eyes and blond hair. As he approached, I could see a hint of concern in his expression.

"Ayanokouji-kun, can I speak with you for a moment?" he asked in a calm voice.

I nodded and followed Hirata as we made our way to the corner of the theater. There, we discovered a vending machine with a wide assortment of beverage cans.
Despite the lack of any explicit rule requiring everyone to stay in the gymnasium, I noticed that none of the students ventured outside or wandered around while the authorized personnel were absent. This contradicted my expectations, as I had read that humans often seek ways to alleviate their boredom and are naturally inclined to move around rather than remain stationary. However, given the unusual circumstances, it seemed like an exception to the norm. Still, my curiosity was piqued by this observation.

"Ayanokouji-kun, what would you like to drink?" Hirata asked with a smile, clearly intending for both of us to enjoy a beverage before delving into the matter weighing on his mind. I replied that I wanted a black coffee, wanting to experience its taste firsthand. Although I enjoyed drinking tea and had even learned some tea ceremony skills during my time at "that place,"
The instructors meticulously inspected everything served to us, so I was unable to explore the taste of coffee until now.

As expected, the coffee turned out to be bitter, presumably because I had chosen a black variety. Similar to tea and milk, coffee had different flavors that contributed to its distinct taste. I made a mental note to try different types of coffee in the future to further evaluate my decision.

As Hirata held a can of green tea in his left hand, he began addressing the topic that had been weighing on his mind all this time.

"Ayanokouji-kun, I understand that you must feel overwhelmed by this situation, as you are at the center of it all. Not only can we see your past, including the very first moment you entered the school, but for some reason, we can also hear your thoughts. I realize this invasion of privacy must be distressing, so I wanted to apologize for that," he spoke earnestly, expressing his intention to apologize before delving into the real issue at hand.

However, I immediately refused his apology and expressed my gratitude for his concern. I reassured him that he, nor anyone else in the student body, was responsible for this absurd situation. I understood that the circumstances were beyond anyone's control, and assigning blame would not solve the mystery or alleviate the current predicament.

"I see," he responded with a wry smile, taking a slow breath before continuing. "Ayanokouji-kun, you are hiding your abilities, aren't you?"

His straightforward question revealed that Hirata, being perceptive and intelligent, had sensed that something was amiss. My thoughts and actions displayed on the screen would not have garnered such attention if I were just an ordinary person without any exceptional capabilities. The look in his eyes confirmed that he already held the belief that I possessed hidden talents, but he sought confirmation directly from me.

Realizing that there was no reason for me to lie, I confessed to him. "Yes, I have been holding back all along."

Lying would only lead to complications in the future, especially considering that the videos displayed scenes from my past actions and contributions in class. The best course of action was to be honest with Hirata. Additionally, I had another motive for telling the truth. Observing Hirata in class, I recognized his warm nature when he covered for me during the incident in the island exam. Despite finding Karuizawa's missing panties in my pocket, Hirata chose to believe in my innocence based on his own biases and assumptions, without concrete evidence. His personality and influence could prove invaluable in shielding me from potential attacks by other students. With that in mind, I had already set the wheels in motion to make Hirata my pawn.

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