Chapter 1: Welcome

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In the weeks prior, Captain Price had extended an invitation that changed the course of your military career. The email wasn't about another mission; it was a proposition to join Task Force 141 permanently. Pride swelled within you as you walked proudly into the base beside Price, eager to embark on this new chapter.

As Price addressed the team in the main communal area, Gaz and Soap turned around, faces lighting up at the sight of you. Your camaraderie with them during past missions made their welcome warm. You exchanged nods and smiles before your gaze settled on Ghost, who eyed you with silent disdain from across the room.

Price's announcement resonated through the room, and as he left, you found yourself facing the lingering tension. Turning to Soap and Gaz, their elation at your joining was palpable. They gave approving nods before returning to their paused video game, leaving you to confront Ghost.

Approaching him with a sly smile, you met his disbelieving stare. His disdain was evident, and his blood seemed to simmer as you walked toward him, confidence radiating. Teasingly, you remarked, "Oh Ghost, what's with the face? You should be ecstatic to see me!"

"I hate you," he scowled, the contempt in his voice slicing through the air. Ghost turned away, unable to endure your presence any longer.

"Still being a sore loser, then..." you sighed, chuckling slightly. "Should've known," you added, the smugness in your tone lingering.

Gritting his teeth, Ghost turned back to you, a steely determination in his eyes. His silence spoke volumes, but you, reveling in getting under his skin, couldn't resist taunting. "Oh, I think I hit a nerve there," you smirked.

His irritation escalated to lividness, a seething anger within him barely restrained. It appeared he might snap, but he held back, expressing his detestation with clenched fists and a furious stare. "I detest you," he uttered, his words laden with fury.

"Glad to hear it. Nice to see some things never change," you replied with a smile, seemingly unbothered by his intense reaction.

"Why are you even here? The team was fine without you," he spat, crossing his arms defensively.

"Well, Price seems to think the team will be even better with me on it, and I think he's right," you asserted smugly.

"Whatever, just don't mess anything up," he growled, looking away, attempting to quell his anger.

"Yeah, fine. But who's the one who saved your ass in Mexico?" you raised an eyebrow, leaning against the wall beside him.

"Shut up," he snapped back, visibly defensive. The notion of you besting him in that operation, let alone saving him, clearly grated on him. "That was just a fluke. You got lucky," he growled.

"Mhm, sure," you replied simply, not dignifying his defensiveness with further acknowledgment. The silence that followed was thick with unsaid words, Ghost restraining himself from further verbal sparring.

Soap and Gaz, sensing the tension, turned around, their laughter acknowledging the brewing rivalry between you two. "You're so infuriating," Ghost grumbled.

"And you're arrogant," you countered with an innocent smile, pushing off the wall and starting to walk away.

"Whatever. You think you can just waltz in here and fit right in?" he grumbled, visibly resentful of the idea of working with you.

"I think I can," you asserted, not bothering to look back as you walked away. Making your way to the sofa where Soap and Gaz were seated, you sat down next to them, leaving Ghost leaning against the wall, glaring.

"It's good to have you on the team, Y/n," Soap said, focused on the video game. Gaz nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, guys. Glad to be here," you replied with a smile, turning back to Ghost with a smug expression. Ghost, choosing silence over confrontation, rolled his eyes and exited the room, leaving the unresolved tension hanging in the air.

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