Chapter 3: Uno

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The room buzzed with the lively energy of the card game as Gaz, Soap, Ghost, and you engaged in a fierce Uno battle. Gaz dealt the cards, and you surveyed your hand—a green 6, a yellow 3, a blue reverse, a red 5, a red 0, a red +2, and a green 9.

"Are we playing by the basic rules?" you inquired, organizing your cards by color.

"Yeah, let's keep it simple, but I like the rule that if you place down a 0, you can switch hands with someone," Gaz replied, focused on his cards.

"Alright then, Ghost's simple brain wouldn't be able to handle anything more than that anyway," you teased, earning a glare from Ghost.

Soap chuckled as he played the first card, a yellow 8. "Who wants to go first?"

"I will!" Gaz declared, placing a yellow 2. It was your turn, and with a sly smile, you played a yellow 3. Ghost, however, had other plans, laying down a yellow +2.

"It's the first round, Ghost!" Soap complained as he picked up two more cards.

Gaz and you chuckled while Soap playfully punched Ghost on the arm. The game continued with twists and turns, but Ghost, with a mischievous grin, played a wildcard +4, changing the color to green. "Have fun with this, Y/n."

"Oh, you prick," you grumbled, picking up four cards. Ghost shrugged off the complaints with a smirk.

As the game progressed, Gaz strategically played a green 3, Soap followed with a green 2, and Ghost added a green +2, leaving you with a growing hand. You retaliated with a green 0, prompting Ghost to exchange cards with you.

"Do you aim to make me miserable!?" you exclaimed, now burdened with 11 cards.

"Looks like somebody has a few too many cards," Ghost quipped.

"Shut it," you shot back. The banter continued, with Gaz, Soap, and Ghost making strategic moves, leaving you in a constant battle for dominance.

Eventually, the game neared its end, and the competition intensified. Gaz and you were the last contenders, both vying for victory and the chance to avoid the dreaded dare. Gaz confidently declared "Uno" after playing a blue 8, and you matched with a blue 3. Ghost and Soap played their cards, but Gaz cunningly placed down a blue 1, declaring "Uno out! I WIN!"

You sighed, placing your last card, a blue 9, and reluctantly admitted defeat. Although victory eluded you, the relief of avoiding the dare softened the blow.

With Ghost and Soap left, Ghost found himself on the losing end. "Shit," he mumbled, tossing his cards onto the table.

"Someone being a sore loser again?" you teased, patting Ghost on the back.

"Shut up," he growled, clearly not amused. Gaz, reveling in his victory, seized the opportunity to create a moment.

"Well, you ready to get a dare?" Gaz asked, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever," Ghost sighed, leaning back on the sofa.

Gaz pondered for a moment before announcing, "Alright then. I dare you to..." The anticipation hung in the air as everyone awaited the daring challenge, adding an exciting twist to the Uno showdown.

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