Chapter 6: Tension

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A futile struggle ensued as you attempted to wrest your wrists from Ghost's unyielding grasp. The unrelenting pressure only intensified as you strained against his firm hold. "Let go," you seethed, glaring defiantly up at him, still persistent in your attempts to break free.

His response was a resolute "No," uttered with a calm demeanor that betrayed the brewing intensity beneath the surface. The atmosphere crackled with tension as you locked eyes, each refusing to yield to the other's will. "Let me go, goddammit!" you demanded, frustration seeping into your voice.

"Use some manners," Ghost retorted, his tone unwavering.

"Fuck you," you shot back, your patience wearing thin.

"Wrong answer," Ghost declared, rolling his eyes as if unimpressed by your defiance.

In a desperate bid for freedom, you redirected your frustration and stomped on Ghost's foot, eliciting a surprised yelp. His grip momentarily loosened, granting you a brief respite. "Ah! What the fuck!?" he barked, quickly recovering from the unexpected assault.

"Should've let me go when I asked," you hissed, your eyes narrowing with a hint of triumph at the temporary advantage you'd gained.

"Still as feisty as ever, I see," Ghost remarked, a concealed smirk evident in his voice, even behind his mask.

Shaking your head, you turned towards the door, the victory of the moment slipping away. The £50 remained elusive, and frustration gnawed at you. Running a hand through your hair in annoyance, you reached for the door once more, determined to put this episode behind you.

"Leaving so soon?" Ghost's voice cut through the air, halting your progress.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" you scoffed, your irritation palpable.

"I thought you never just backed down," Ghost observed, his arms crossed as he leaned against his bed, a subtle challenge in his stance.

"You're not worth my time," you retorted, your annoyance escalating.

"Is that so?" Ghost hummed, a mysterious aura surrounding his masked figure.

"Yeah, it is," you replied, your tone sharp with frustration.

"Then why didn't you instantly leave when you got free?" Ghost questioned, a wry smirk playing on his lips.

"I was, but then you spoke," you admitted, your annoyance momentarily overshadowed by the unexpected honesty in his inquiry.

"Why didn't you ignore me?" Ghost prodded further, taking a step closer, his masked visage betraying no emotion.

"Because I'm not rude, unlike some people I know," you retorted, a pointed reference to Ghost himself.

"I hate you, you know that, Y/n?" Ghost declared, his words laced with a mixture of frustration and a hint of something deeper.

"Likewise," you shot back, maintaining the façade of indifference.

"Then I'll ask again. What was the real reason you didn't leave?" Ghost inquired, closing the distance with a deliberate step, his presence becoming increasingly palpable. The air crackled with tension, and a complex dance of emotions played out beneath the surface.

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