Chapter 2: Dinner time

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After a few hours of playing games and bantering with Gaz and Soap, the jovial atmosphere was interrupted by Price's call for dinner. Pausing the game, you joined the group as you all made your way to the dining area.

"You suck at that game, Soap!" you laughed, playfully nudging him in the shoulder.

"I do not. You were definitely cheating," he protested, a smile playing on his lips.

"You are pretty bad at it, to be fair," Gaz added teasingly, the banter flowing effortlessly.

Entering the room, laughter and jokes echoed as Soap and Gaz took the two available seats together, leaving only one beside Ghost. Sighing inwardly, you resigned yourself to the inevitable and took the seat next to the brooding Ghost.

As moody as ever, Ghost shot you a disdainful glance, his silent disapproval lingering in the air. Unfazed, you stretched over the back of the chair, eliciting a satisfying crunch from your back, before settling back, meeting Ghost's gaze directly.

"What's got you so moody, well, more moody than usual?" you asked, tilting your head to the side.

"Nothing," he replied bluntly, refusing to even look at you.

"No comeback? No nothing?" you inquired, genuinely surprised by Ghost's atypical lack of reaction.

A mere grunt escaped Ghost as he leaned back in his chair, maintaining the wall of silence between you. Intrigued, you found your eyes fixed on him, attempting to decipher the enigma that was Ghost. His eyes flicked to the side, catching you in the act.

"Take a picture; it will last longer," he quipped, his tone teasing.

"Yeah, no thanks. I wouldn't want to plague my phone with that," you retorted, a sharp edge in your reply.

"Oh, very funny," he rolled his eyes, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

A silent yet intense glare exchange ensued, broken only by Price's entrance with a bowl of spaghetti, the announcement bringing an end to the escalating tension.

"Spaghetti!" Price declared proudly, placing the bowl in the center of the table.

"Thanks, Price," you said warmly, taking a portion. The others followed suit, expressing their gratitude.

"You're welcome. Please enjoy," Price beamed before leaving you all to savor the unexpectedly delightful meal.

As you indulged in the savory spaghetti, the room was filled with a content silence. Price's culinary skills turned out to be a pleasant surprise, and for a moment, Ghost's usual moody demeanor took a back seat.

Dinner concluded without further clashes between you and Ghost. When it was over, you volunteered to help Price with the dishes, a gesture meant to foster camaraderie. "Hey, guys, give me your plates. I'll wash them tonight," you offered warmly.

"Thanks, Y/n," Soap placed his plate on top of yours.

"Yeah, thanks," Gaz added, doing the same.

You took Price's plate before turning to Ghost. Civilly, you reached out to take his plate when, with deliberate roughness, he placed it on top of the stack, splattering spaghetti sauce on your crisp, white shirt. An angry glint flashed in your eyes, but you restrained your words, tightening your jaw as you walked off to the kitchen.

The warm, soapy water provided a welcome distraction, allowing you to channel your frustration into scrubbing the dishes. You worked through the plates, each splash of dishwater a cathartic release. Once done, you thoroughly washed your hands and arms, removing any traces of splattered sauce.

Exiting the kitchen, you found the communal room deserted, distant chatter indicating where everyone had migrated. Joining them, you grabbed a wet wipe, intent on salvaging your now stained shirt. Scrubbing away at the stubborn pasta sauce, you took a seat on a vacant sofa.

Gaz, Soap, and surprisingly, Ghost, engaged in conversation, while Price leaned against a wall near the door. The room buzzed with a relaxed energy, a stark contrast to the tension that had lingered earlier.

Suddenly, Gaz's voice cut through the casual ambiance. "Game of Uno, anyone?"

"I'm down," Soap exclaimed.

"Me too," you chimed in happily, opening your eyes and sitting forward on the sofa.

Ghost simply nodded, his reserved demeanor unchanged. The group turned to Price, standing in the doorway.

"Sorry, guys, I've got paperwork to do," he apologized.

Understandingly, everyone nodded as Price left. "Come on, guys, gather around the table," Gaz suggested, noticing the room's spatial divide.

Gaz and Soap claimed the sofa in front of the table, leaving you and Ghost to share the one at the side of the coffee table. Sighing internally at the prospect of being close to Ghost again, you sat down, shooting him a glance that still carried the remnants of irritation, though you decided to brush it off for the sake of the game.

Once everyone was seated, Gaz produced the Uno cards. "Let's get this game started, but let's add a penalty..." he said mischievously. "Whoever wins by getting rid of all their cards first gets to dare the last person to get rid of all their cards. How does that sound?"

"Let's do it," Soap said eagerly, with Ghost and you nodding in agreement.

"Let's start, then!" Gaz declared, dealing the cards and setting the stage for a night of Uno with a twist.

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