Home !

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Kylie's pov
*the sound of peoples phones ringing and people talking to families and the sound of suitcases rolling on the airport floors walking through the busy airports with my 4 year old in my arms while lugging our luggage on a trolley in front of me we finally made it out to the chilly cold Chicago winter I was looking around with my hair blowing in the wind when I heard someone yell out my name *
Jay:Kylie !
*I could pick that voice out anywhere it was the one and only Jay Alexzander *
Kylie:jay !
Jay:hey ! How have you been
Kylie:great ! *shivers*
Jay:cold ?
Kylie:yeah !
Jay:well welcome back to Chicago !
Kylie:thanks ! I'm not to sure why I decided to come home right in the middle of winter
Jay:yeah ! Well let's get you and paisley in the truck where it's warm !
Paisley:please ! I'm freezing
Jay:well let's go ! *picks up paisley*
*jay picks up paisley and puts her in his truck while I pot pie luggage in the trunk I then I get in the front seat and we make our way to the firehouse where we were going to surprise my brother after the 20 min drive we pulled up in the driveway and I saw Matt Casey who looks like he's not a candidate anymore ! So I got myself and paisley out of the truck and we made our way over*
Matt:Kylie ? .....
Kylie:hey Matt !
Matt:omg ! What are you doing here ?
Kylie:decided it was time for paisley to see her aunts and uncle in person !
Matt:omg ! It's great to see you !
Paisley:uncle Matt !!
Matt:hey princess ! You've gotten so big since I saw you
Paisley:I know I'm 4 years old now !
Matt:that's crazy !
Kylie:is Kelly inside ?
Matt:he was in a meeting with Cheif but he should be out any minute but in the mean time let's get you 2 inside where it's warm
Kylie:that sounds great !
*we follow matt inside the firehouse as I'm walking I'm looking around seeing a couple new faces but mostly people I know and little by little memories comes flooding to my head thinking about all the good and bad things that happened here*
Cruz:is that who I think it is ? Kylie severide !
Kylie:hey Cruz !
Cruz:my goodness ! You haven't changed a bit
Kylie:don't know if that's a compliment or not
Cruz:it's a good thing !
Kylie:well than thank you !
Hermann:is this paisley ?
Kylie:it sure is ! Paisley say hi !
Paisley:hi ! *smiles all cutely*
Hermann:the last time I saw you you were like a little baby !
Kylie:yeah ! It's been a while *looks around*
Gabby:omg ! Kylie severide !
Kylie:hey gabby !
Gabby:how have you been ?
Kylie:great ! You ?
Gabby:holding in there after the baby !
Kylie:yeah I heard about that ! I'm so sorry gabs
Gabby:it's ok ! It was all apart of gods plan Right!
Kelly:*jaw drops* Kylie ?
Kylie:*turns around* hey ! Kelly
Kelly:omg what are you doing back here ? *hugs her*
Kylie:oh you know thought I would come back and visit
Kelly:how long are you staying
Kylie:can we talk about this else where ?
Kelly:yeah , follow me !
Kylie:paisley can you stay with aunt gabby while I go talk over here
Paisley:yes mommy !
Kylie:thx babes
*I follow Kelly into his office*
Kelly:what's going on ?
Kylie:Kelly , I'm not going back !
Kelly:wdym ?!
Kylie:I got my job back in intelligence ! *smiles*
Kelly:Kylie ! Are you  sure your ready for this ?
Kylie:yes Kelly ! I need to push the past behind cause I can't keep running away from things in life
Kelly:I'm happy for you but I don't want you to get in that bad stage of life you were in before you left again
Kylie:look Kelly I know your trying to protect me and I appreciate it but I'm a grown ass woman know and a mom and I know I'm ready to be back home
Kelly:k ! That's great but I want you to know if you ever need to talk please come talk to me and don't hold it in again
Kylie:I promise Kelly !
Kelly:well that's amazing ! Where are you staying ?
Kylie:I'm staying with jay until I can find a place this was kinda a last minute decision to come home!
Kelly:and do you have someone to watch paisley ?
Kylie:yeah I got her registered in a day care that's down the road I talked to a couple of friends and they out there kids there
Kelly:that's amazing Kylie ! I'm so glad to have you back ?
Kylie:me to ! It just feels good to be home !
Kelly:shall we head out !
Kylie:yeah hope that my child is still in one piece
Kelly:I'm sure she is ! *laughs* I mean she is a severide after all
Kylie:got that right *smiles*
*we head out of the office and I see gabby and paisley playing a game of tic tac toe so I wait until there game is finished until I head grab paisley and we start to head out*
Hermann:hey Kylie ! Drinks at Mollys are 15% off tonight if you want to join us !
Kylie:Hermann I would love to but I have responsibilities now ! But I'll think about
Hermann:fair enough !
*we head out and we get back into jays truck*
Jay:so the district next ?
Kylie:I think we shall head over to the apartment it's getting late and I wanna unpack some things
Jay:yeah that's fine but what do you want for
Supper ?
Kylie:paisley ! What do you want for supper ?
Kylie:there's your awnser
Jay:I'll get started on that as soon as I get home !
*we drive back to the apartment and when we arrive I grab our luggage and paisley walks in in front of me and I close the door behind me and jay locks it and he shows me around his new apartment and I start unpacking all of our clothes when jay calls and says that supper is ready*
Kylie:COMING !
*I head out of the bedroom and into the living room where I see paisley playing with her iPad so I tell her supper is ready and we head over and eat together and once supper is done I put paisley in the bath tub and get her ready for bed*
Kylie:what Pajamas do you want baby?
Paisley:those ones ! *points*
Kylie:ok !
*I grab the Pajamas and get her changed*

 Kylie:hey Matt !Matt:omg ! What are you doing here ?Kylie:decided it was time for paisley to see her aunts and uncle in person !Matt:omg ! It's great to see you ! Paisley:uncle Matt !! Matt:hey princess ! You've gotten so big since I saw you Pais...

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*I get her changed into these Pajamas and I
Brush her hair  and I Put her to bed and then I get a shower myself and I shove on a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt and I also go to bed cause I was exhausted!*

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