Heavenly birthday ! 🕊️

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Kylie's pov
*I woke up at 9:30 am feeling absolutely nothing I was sad and angry and honestly I wasn't sure what else but the reason why is because today would be nicks 29th birthday and as you know he passed away while going to work he got hit by a drunk driver and since that day mine and paisleys life changed I woke up in an empty bed so I figured jay was already awake and downstairs but I wasn't in the mood to get up yet so I let a couple tears fall and I posted nicks birthday post ! And I saw his family and friends post them As well*

@Kylie:Severide Caption:happy 29th heavenly birthday going out to my first love and father of our amazing daughter paisley Estelle ! Nick you were always there for me since day one ! You were a amazing individual and a hell of a great father to pa...

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Caption:happy 29th heavenly birthday going out to my first love and father of our amazing daughter paisley Estelle ! Nick you were always there for me since day one ! You were a amazing individual and a hell of a great father to paisley ! I never understood why god chose to take you so soon but I guess there was reason cause you always told me " there is a reason behind everything" and "everything happens for a reason" when I first saw you get hit by the driver a whole lot of emotions came through my body and I didn't know what to do with myself and when I went to the hospital with you and held your hand for the last time ! I always remembered the last thing you told me "Kylie ! I want you to know that I will always love you and paisley and please do whatever you need to do to recover from this experience! And don't do anything stupid" at first I laughed it off thinking it was nothing cause he wasn't going anywhere right ? But then before I knew it the monitor stopped beeping and I new that was the end ! I hope you are having a fantastic birthday in heaven with your grandparents and great grandparents ! I love ya Nick ! 🕊️💗
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*I let a couple tears go loose and I then decided to get out of bed so I went to my bathroom and got a shower and got dressed for the day since we have the day off so I put on a pair of black leggings and a navy blue shirt and I put my hair in a messy bun on top of my head and I headed downstairs and saw paisley and jay playing a game of go fish*
Jay:hey ! You ok ?
Kylie:I'm hanging in there you know
Jay:listen we can take the day easy if you like
Paisley:mommy why are you sad ?
Kylie:well baby ! Do you remember daddy ?
Paisley:a little bit
Kylie:well today is his birthday
Paisley:really ! Are we going to go celebrate with him and have cake ?
Kylie:I wish we could baby
Paisley:what do you mean ?
Kylie:Remember daddy is in heaven a home away from home
Paisley:oh yeah I remember
Kylie:yeah ! But someday we will be able to have cake with him ok
Paisley:ok !
*I go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee and I sit down at the table and I watch them play go fish and it's honestly the funniest thing in the world*
Jay:what are you laughing at ?
Kylie:you guys !
Paisley:why you laughing at us ! That not nice
Kylie:it's just very funny watching you play
Paisley:but that not nice mommy
Kylie:I know baby and I won't do it again
Paisley:good ! Now jay it's your turn !
Jay:ok ok
*I watch them play some more and just think about how my baby girl is going to 5 tomorrow! It's honestly very scary !*
Kylie:p do you know it's your birthday tomorrow!
Paisley:yeah ! I'm going to be 5
Kylie:I know ! I can't believe it
Paisley:why not ?
Kylie:it seems like yesterday you were born
Paisley:your silly ! I wasn't born yesterday
Kylie:I know princess! *smiles*
*they finish there game of go fish and we all sit down and decide to watch a video on YouTube about heaven to try and show paisley where her dad is*
Kylie:see that's heaven
Paisley:so daddy is there ?
Kylie:yup ! He's up with all of his grandparents and great aunts and uncles
Paisley:is he having fun ?
Kylie:he sure is !
Paisley:can he see me up there ?
Kylie:he sure can ! He's probably looking at us right now
Paisley:really !!
Kylie:yeah !
Paisley:that's cool !
Kylie:it is very cool isn't !
Paisley:yeah ! I wish he was here tho
Kylie:me to ! But he's here in our hearts remember
Paisley:*touches her heart* yup !
Kylie:and we got jay now to !
Paisley:yeah ! I'm extra lucky
Kylie:you sure are !
Paisley:*looks at jay* I love you jay !
Jay:I love you do paisley ! *smiles*
*after the video was over it was now close fo lunch time so I made some pasta salad with some baguette and we ate together as a little family !*

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