Uh oh

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Kylie's pov
*I woke up at 7:15 am which I am so very grateful for because paisley got to have her first ever sleepover at  Natalie and wills house and she will get a ride to daycare with Natalie because Owen also goes to this daycare so I has extra time to sleep in this morning! Also I have been back home for almost 2 months now and I'm loving every minute of it but anyways I got out of bed and got a shower and then got ready for work*

*i put this outfit on and I left my hair down today with it in a half up half down hairstyle with some loose curls and is did some light makeup and I put on my badge and gun holder with my gun holstered in my holder and I headed downstairs at 7:30...

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*i put this outfit on and I left my hair down today with it in a half up half down hairstyle with some loose curls and is did some light makeup and I put on my badge and gun holder with my gun holstered in my holder and I headed downstairs at 7:30*
Jay:well good morning !
Kylie:good morning ! *smiles*
Jay:want some coffee ?
Kylie:that be great thanks
Jay:here ya go !
Jay:your in a good mood !
Kylie:well my child isn't here so I got to sleep in and get a full night rest
Jay:well that's good
Kylie:yeah ! Im going to quickly send Nat a message do see how she did last night
On the text message
Kylie:hey nat ! Just checking in to see how things went last night ?
Nat:they went well ! They went to sleep at 9:30 pm and slept through the whole night I woke them up at 7:30 am and we are getting ready to head over to daycare !
Kylie:that's great to hear !
*off of text message*
Jay:how was she?
Kylie:Natalie said she was great ! Never made a peep
Jay:that's good
Kylie:yeah it is !
Jay:well we should get going we don't wanna be late
Kylie:yeah your right !
*we got in jays truck and we drove to the district when we arrived I said hi to Trudy and headed upstairs where everyone was*
Jay:slow day so far ?
Adam:well it's going to be cause sarge pulled us out of duty !
Kylie:what why?
Kevin:we have to renew our tazer certification
Kylie:you've got to be kidding me !
Kim:wish we were !
Jay:damn Antonio chose a good day to get off
Kylie:got that right
*as we were sitting around a man came up over the stairs and sarge came out of his office*
Sarge:Ed ! You must be here for the certification
Ed:got that right
Kim:so what do we have to do ?
Ed:well I am going to get you to taze your partners so we can trust each-other more and then that should be everything so who wants to go first   ?
Hank:you decide that I'll be in my office
Ed:Sargent you know this includes everybody right including you !
Hank:oh I know ! But I think I'll stick to being the bad guy in my office !
Ed:Sargent !
Adam:I wouldn't ask him again *laughs*
Ed:wasn't planning on it ! But how about you go first !
Alvin:alright Ed I'll take this from you
Adam:why is this more scary the second time !
Alvin:idk but here we go *tazes him*
Adam:oh good lord ! *drops to the ground grunting*
Alvin:you good ?
Adam:yeah ! Never been better *fake smiles* your turn buddy !
Alvin:go for it honestly I've done this like 10 times !
Adam:ready bud ?
Alvin:ready as I'll ever be
Alvin:*drops to the ground on his knees but don't say anything*
Ed:alright who's next ?
Jay:I'll go !
Erin:I'll take the tazer Ed !
Jay:can you do the shoulder please !
Erin:yeah of course *taxes his shoulder*
Jay:ahh shit ! *drops to his knees*
Erin:my turn ! Here jay
Jay:thanks ! *smiles through the pain*
Jay:here I go ! *tazes*
Erin:drops to the floor in pain *
Erin:Jesus Christ ! I didn't think it was that bad !
Ed:now how about you two over there
Kevin:give me the damn thing ! Ready Kim
Kim:i spouse
*everyone gets tazes besides me*
Ed:now ! You in the corner ! Ready !
Kylie:yeah but my partner isn't here !
Ed:well I'll do it
*I stand on the marking and Ed tazes me in the pelvis and it hurts like hell ! I dropped to the ground in pain cause I think he held it for to long I stay on the ground screaming in pain Ed packs up and leaves and jay comes down*
Jay:Kylie ! You ok ?
Kylie:no ! I think he tazed me for to long !
Jay:do you need to go to the hospital!?
Kylie:idk but it hurts like hell
Jay:come on let's go do the change room
*jay picks me up bridal style and brings sm to the locker room*
Jay:here drink this !
Kylie:thanks ! *screams*
Jay:woah ! You ok ?
Kylie:this is worse than labour jay !
Jay:I know ! That guy is a prick !
Kylie:tries to hold in her pain
*im drinking my water when Hank comes in*
Hank:Kylie ?! Are you good ? I heard what
Kylie:idk ! This hurts like hell !
Hank:it's supposed to hurt but not for this long !?
Kylie:the pain is worse than labour
Hank:I think you should go to the hospital Kylie !
Kylie:I can't sarge ! I have a daughter to pick up !
Hank:listen I'll Handel it ! Now please let jay take you to the hospital
Kylie:fine !
*I grab my things and wince in pain as I'm walking down the stairs and as soon as I get to the truck I burst out in tears cause I'm just in so much pain*
Jay:hey ! Hey ! It's ok !
Kylie:I don't why I'm being such a wuss I mean I gave birth to a child and I'm crying over this
Jay:listen it's ok to cry when your in pain Kylie !
Kylie:I know I just feel so stupid !
*we drive to the hospital and once we arrive jay walks me in and we see Maggie at the front desk we tell her our situation and she brings us Right in*
Maggie:dr manning April !
Natalie:Kylie ! What's wrong ?
*I sit down on the bed *
Kylie:we had to get tazed at work today and the examiner did it a bit to hard on my pelvis
Natalie:ok do you wanna lye down for me please and do I have consent to do a pelvis exam ?
Kylie:do what you have to do Natalie !
*natalie does the exam and she says that everything looks normal and that it's ok to go home but I have to take it easy so jay drove me home and I saw Hank sitting on the couch and he told us that paisley is asleep in her room so I went to go sleep myself cause
I was in a lot of pain*

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