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Kylies pov
*I woke up at 9:45am in so much pain ! I then remembered the events that happened yesterday so I then got out of bed and went to check on paisley but she wasn't in her bed so I then panicked so I went downstairs wincing in pain every step I took and I saw Kelly standing at the kitchen counter drinking coffee*
Kylie:Kelly? What are you doing here ?!
Kelly:jay told me what happened so I thought I would come over and take paisley to daycare for you
Kylie:well I appreciate it but why are you still here ?
Kelly:to keep you company !
Kylie:what about work ?
Kelly:I have today off anyways
Kelly:so how are you feeling
Kylie:like shit !
Kelly:yeah that guy was a asshole he shouldn't have tased you in the pelvis in the first place
Kylie:yeah I know but before I could have a say I was on the ground
Kelly:Kylie ! That's messed up
Kylie:I know Kelly ! But I can't do anything about it he was doing his job
Kelly:can you press charges ?
Kylie:Kelly ! Be reasonable please ! You know that's not how it works
Kelly:well it should be ! Cause your seriously injured
Kylie:no I'm not ! I'll be back to work tomorrow
Kelly:whatever you say !
Kylie:are you serious kelly !
Kelly:I never did anything
Kylie:no but your being a annoying jerk
Kelly:what do you mean ?!
Kylie:kelly ! Your doing exactly what I told you not to do protect me ! I can look after myself
Kelly:I know Kylie ! But your still my little sister cop or not and it's my job to look out for you
Kylie:when we were kids yes ! But now , No it's not your job anymore !
Kelly:last time I checked I never retired
Kylie:whatever Kelly ! I'm going back to bed
*I went up the stairs as fast as I could and I went straight into my bed and watched greys anatomy because there was nothing else to do with myself and I wasn't in the mood to face Kelly again cause then I have to apologize and I'm not in a sorry mood so I spent a couple hours lying in bed until I got a text from Kelly saying that he has left the apartment and that he kid sorry but I left him on read so I got out of bed and got a nice hot shower and got ready for the day *

Kylies pov *I woke up at 9:45am in so much pain ! I then remembered the events that happened yesterday so I then got out of bed and went to check on paisley but she wasn't in her bed so I then panicked so I went downstairs wincing in pain every st...

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*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair in a messy high ponytail and I headed downstairs and opened the windows to let some fresh air inside and I got myself a granola bar and I ate that and I also made myself a hot coffee and got a hot water bottle and I got comfy on the couch and read my book cause the house was quite which was odd cause I never have alone time being a single mom of 1 and a detective ! So I took my day to the fullest and made the most of it even tho I could hardly move *
4 hours later
*I was still sat on the couch reading when the door flew open and here was jay and my Paisley girl*
Paisley:mommy !
Kylie:hey baby ! How was day care ?
Paisley:good ! Me and Anna played soccer !
Kylie:really ! That sounds like so much fun !
Jay:how are you feeling !
Kylie:a little bit better ! How was work ?
Jay:we had a homicide case
Kylie:oh those are boring
Paisley:mommy ! Can we watch a movie ?
Kylie:yeah of course ! What movie do you wanna watch ?
Kylie:ok !
Jay:what would you like for supper ?
Kylie:a tacos sounds really good right now
Jay:tacos it is !
*jay went out and made tacos cause it was 5pm and I watched moana with paisley and when I looked over at P she was taking photos on my phone*
Kylie:*laughs* what are you doing P ?
Paisley:taking pictures !
Kylie:can mommy have her phone back please
Paisley:here you go *hands me my phone*
* I take the pictures she took and add it in a collage and post it on Instagram cause it's just to funny*

*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair in a messy high ponytail and I headed downstairs and opened the windows to let some fresh air inside and I got myself a granola bar and I ate that and I also made myself a hot coffee and got a hot water b...

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Caption: I love finding little surprises in my phone 🤣 love ya paisley ! 💗
Liked by 100 people
@kelly.severide- my god she's a mini you
^got that right ! 🤣^
@gabby.Dawson- gotta love her 😂
^of-course she's just to funny^
@matt.Casey-that's just to funny ! Omg
^shes gets it from her mama !^
@adam.ruzek:she's to funny !
^she makes life very interesting!^
@emma.Lou- she's gotten so big ! Miss you Kylie !
^miss you to em ! Say hi to everyone for me 🫶🏻^
@rylie.McKenzie-omg paisley !! I miss you so much crazy girl !
^she misses you to rylie ! She talks about tommy and Sarah all the time 💗^
*I posted the pic on Instagram and responded to some of the comments and then jay said that the tacos were done so we headed out to the kitchen and we ate*
Jay:so how are you feeling ?
Kylie:a lot better actually
Jay:that's good to hear !
Kylie:hoping to be back at work tomorrow even if it's desk duty
Jay:yeah you probably will be on desk with Trudy tomorrow if Hank let's you back
Kylie:at least I'm being paid !
Jay:got that right !
Paisley:mommy guess what !
Kylie:what ?
Paisley:I painted a picture of all of us together at school !
Kylie:really ! Who did you put in the painting ?
Paisley:me you and jay !
Jay:that's very sweet p!
Paisley:yeah mrs Jennifer said I can take it home tomorrow because it needed to dry
Kylie:I look forward to seeing it !
*we finished our supper and then it was time to get P ready for bed so I gave her a bath and then got her changed into Pajamas*

McKenzie-omg paisley !! I miss you so much crazy girl !^she misses you to rylie ! She talks about tommy and Sarah all the time 💗^ *I posted the pic on Instagram and responded to some of the comments and then jay said that the tacos were done so w...

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*I put her in these Pajamas and I brushed her hair and then we went yo her room and I laid down with her*
Paisley:are you taking me to daycare tomorrow?
Kylie:I think so baby why ?
Paisley:I miss you taking me to daycare
Kylie:I do to ! But mommy hurt herself yesterday so I couldn't take you !
Paisley:are you ok mommy !
Kylie:yes ! I'm better now and I'm back to work tomorrow
Paisley:yay !
*I kiss paisley goodnight and she falls asleep I then go to my bedroom and put on a pair of sweats and a long sleeve shirt and I also go to bed cause I got a long day ahead of me*

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